First Google NotebookLM Deep Dive Audio about my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!
Never thought this would be possible, but hear it for yourself by clicking this NotebookLM link further below.
Audio file or Podcast
The sources detail the accusations made by Hans Smedema against the Dutch government and Royal family, claiming they were involved in a decades-long conspiracy to silence and persecute him. Smedema alleges that his wife was a victim of rape and abuse, and that the Dutch government, including King Willem Alexander, were complicit in covering up these crimes. Smedema’s allegations include forced medical interventions, financial ruin, and interference in his asylum requests, resulting in multiple attempts on his life and his forced exile in Spain. He also alleges that the Royal family, government officials, lawyers, and medical professionals have all been involved in this conspiracy to protect themselves and silence Smedema.
Last 9-12-2024 Google Insights Audio file or Podcast.
But there are many items proving this is not a made up delusional story at all. Let alone now 24 years of fighting those behind this Omerta organisation. And how about three Asylum only requests in 2009, 2013/14 when 2009 was reopened, and again 2016/17 when I was offered that Asylum while flying from LA to Amsterdam? If I was insane they would have deported me in a few days!
I name lots of evidence and people who know parts of the true crime! I will go on and make more parts soon.
Soon also the results from my FOIA Freedom Of Information Act requests the Department of Justice. They split my request in 3 different requests. So they have information!
More later…
Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile since 2008, surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain.