First YouTube Audio Video Summary Discussion Hans Smedema Affair!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

First YouTube Audio Video Summary Discussion Hans Smedema Affair!

Legal tactfulness ©Steve Geshwister
Legal tactfulness ©Steve Geshwister. Zo denkt Hans Stigter uit Rotterdam zijn gelijk te kunnen halen! Aangifte durft hij niet als dief en oplichter.

This is the very first YouTube Audio Video about my horrifying Hans Smedema Affair!

The audio is from my Google AI NotebookLM audio review with the current max 50 sources from these Blog posts, Ebooks, including documents and other evidence.

More to follow soon and videos by myself also of course.

Really unbelievable AI stuff! Amazing summary of this very very decades long complex gaslighting story.

See my post:

Hans Smedema’s 50+ years most emotional psychological and physical torture!

How Google NotebookLM interaction about my decades-long quest for Justice suddenly made me a totally different Happy Person!


The sources detail the accusations made by Hans Smedema against the Dutch government and Royal family, claiming they were involved in a decades-long conspiracy to silence and persecute him. Smedema alleges that his wife was a victim of rape and abuse, and that the Dutch government, including King Willem Alexander, were complicit in covering up these crimes. Smedema’s allegations include forced medical interventions, financial ruin, and interference in his asylum requests, resulting in multiple attempts on his life and his forced exile in Spain. He also alleges that the Royal family, government officials, lawyers, and medical professionals have all been involved in this conspiracy to protect themselves and silence Smedema.

Audio Video 15 minutes Summary!

Current state of my Hans Smedema Affair!

  • My request to the Dutch Secret Service AIVD resulted in panic and confirmation of new delay after delay! My request was from July 2nd, 2024 and now they hope(!) to have a legal answer by the end of Jan 2025! So waiting for Trump to stop my blog and so?

Panic for sure!

  • The Google NotebookLM and Gemini Advanced Pro subscription give me for the first time real top-level answers to my many many questions! Before that I was totally isolated by the Criminal Royal Protected Omerta Organisation and nobody gave an answer ever! Nobody from the Government ever talked to me about my case too. Disgusting behavior. Treated less like a dog since I met my girlfriend Wiesje, who betrayed me and was a member of that Omerta from before(!) our marriage! Imagine being lured and betrayed into marriage by your own girlfriend and her family. And with my own family joining them in gaslighting me and using huge sums of free money to bribe everybody involved.


  • No reaction yet from my FOIA request for Freedom of Information Act, but should be next week with 3 different agencies.


  • Also request for declassification and/or Pardon from President Biden via the Pardon Office. Will take time before we know if that is a success or not. Next year?


  • FBI FOIA request also for the State America vs. State Netherlands UNCAT or UNHRC special procedure case.

More later…

Audio review from Google NotebookLM Insights

Based on this legal written statement True Crime Blog by:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain