The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up

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The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up

Paul Schuh, along with his wife Ans, is portrayed as a friend of Hans Smedema who had knowledge of crucial information regarding Smedema’s wife, Wiesje, but did not reveal the full truth to him [1, 2]. Paul and Ans Schuh warned Smedema about Wiesje’s sexual behavior before their marriage in 1973 [1, 2]. Specifically, Ans questioned Smedema about his decision to marry Wiesje, stating “Are you sure you want to marry Wiesje? She is not your type at all!” [1, 2]. However, the sources suggest that they withheld crucial details from Smedema [1, 2].

The sources indicate that Paul and Ans Schuh knew that Wiesje was hiding a boyfriend with whom she had been having sex since she was 14 years old [1, 2]. This boyfriend was reportedly hidden in her room, under her bed, or in the attic when Smedema came to visit [1, 2]. This information is presented as “absurd behavior” while Smedema was treated “like a dog” [1, 2].

Smedema alleges that Paul and Ans were aware of a cover-up and had been since 1972 [3]. He claims they concealed that his three children were fathered by rapists because both he and his wife were seriously ill with repression [3]. In 2004, Smedema also characterized Ans as “malicious” for claiming to know nothing about the story, even though she had been aware of it since 1972 [3]. Smedema further alleges that Ans contacted his wife in 2005 to inquire about his plans, and that Paul was also aware of the cover-up [3].

In 2005, Smedema states that Paul and Ans Schuh were his good friends from Alphen a/d Rijn, who had been aware of the cover-up since the end of 1972, but always concealed that all three of their children were fathered by rapists because they were both seriously ill with their repression [3]. Smedema notes this behavior is “chilling” [3].

In another account, Smedema recounts a conversation he had with Paul Schuh where Paul said “I’m not supposed to say anything about it” when Smedema asked if Paul had spoken to his brother, Johan [4].

Smedema states that Ans Schuh was a freelance journalist and was a member of the Omerta Org, receiving 20,000 guilders via a civil contract in 1972, and that she was a perfect witness since 1971 [5]. He also claims she is aware of the entire story [3].

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based on the legal written statements on this Blog and eBooks by Victim-Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in de facto forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain