Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 24/11/2024 by Hans Smedema
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Panic at the Dutch Secret Service AIVD: They don’t dare to give ‘insight’!
Very remarkable is the cowardly attitude of the Dutch Secret Service AIVD, which still does not dare(!) to answer my repeated ‘Request for Inspection(inzage)’ of July 2, 2024!
With the new postponement, a good half year!!!!
This is an Google translation of the original Dutch Post:
Paniek bij de Nederlandse Geheime Dienst AIVD: Ze durven geen inzage te geven!
Another 3 month delay until end of Jan 2025!
Postponement as of October 1, now another 3 months postponement, it just keeps going! They may be waiting until Trump is President again and gets America out of the UNHRC again (!) like in 2018 and what stops the official complaint State of America against the State of the Netherlands? Then they slyly do not have to explain themselves to the Dutch people and can continue to deny that this biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history actually exists?
For that repeated request for all information known about me, see Hans Smedema, including Horstman’s old negative response:
See also my serious accusations of fraud at the AIVD, together with fraud at Justice within the secret Royal protected Omerta Organization under direct and later indirect leadership of rapist-mole Joris Demmink within Justice. Goal: to prevent anyone from ever being prosecuted, supposedly to protect my in 1972 severely tortured defenseless(!) girlfriend/wife from even more trauma. As a husband I was not allowed to know anything, also repressed everything and could therefore never protect her and myself!
Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972!
Here is the letter from Mrs. P. van den Berg, Coordinating Legal Advisor of the General Intelligence and Security Service
What drives these idiots?
Are they waiting for the new President Trump who removed America from the UNHRC in 2018, to cover up the case again? Is that case still ongoing? Or to take this blog offline when Biden’s protection is gone?
Or are they, like me, thinking of settling quickly?
Yes, why not simply settle this case quickly? Isn’t that allowed by America? Or by the King?
Why does no one talk to me? No one from government or Politics has ever talked to me about this horrible Orwellian affair! Cowards.
The State Attorney will certainly be involved in this.
But something is wrong here! They are scared to death apparently!
More later…
Hans Smedema B. Sc., living in forced exile in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain