Last Updated 12/10/2022 published 13/08/2013 by Hans Smedema
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Interview with Hans Smedema!
Truth is stranger than fiction”; this goes beyond all sinister imagination…!
Why do you write so openly about the very private horrifying rapes and other heinous acts done to your girlfriend and you?

If we want a better world, the truth about the horrifying human behavior in a group, totally destroying innocent victims lives, should be known! I also want justice done!
My gruesome story must be unique being both Kafkaesque and Orwellian! In fact, it is almost those famous stories and this time no fiction, but horrifying reality!
The crimes done to us still have not ended now in 2013! The story is so unbelievable, that even after 13 years of fighting the conspiracy, only a few insiders know it is the truth, but mainstream media and humans think I must be delusional! Horrifying to have to live like that! To tell the story as I had to endure it, I needed 4 parts and a 1000 pages to explain what was done to me by my own family, children, all(!) physicians and my own nation!
I am almost sure nobody has ever been through anything close to similar! Not with even two Queens and now a King involved, and the Dutch Cabinet and Prime Ministers since around 1975 or so. And also Americans have suffered immensely too! A friend who only wanted to help me, went through an ordeal of his own with his innocent family and child, for almost 10 years! And only because the Dutch Royals and Cabinet refused to simply tell the truth! But after 10 years he won his case with a secret copy of my file, which the corrupt Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice said, dit not exist!
The unscrupulous Dutch criminal organization behind this, wants it covered up of course. They are so ashamed and don’t want the Dutch people to find out two Queens and a King have betrayed innocent victims and the whole Dutch nation! It is a case of (high)treason by the Dutch Royals and Ministers!
So you are no writer, but the victim writing his gruesome story?
I started writing my book in 2007 and several people involved who have read the story tell me it is well written but lengthy! That is because it is my written statement of all that happened to me. So a legal document also. Later I will make a more commercial condensed ebook which can be used for a movie also. But I always see parts that I am able to do better, and I would love to have this story rewritten by one of the famous American writers!
What’s the story behind your books?
Loving each other immensely, I, of course, was in her room a lot, and the rapist had to drug me too to get his sex with her. Soon he managed to drug and break me mentally too, and I suffered from suppression from 1972 until 2000! I saw many rapes and abuses, but simply suppressed it and lived on like I didn’t see anything!
The family already found out late 1972, but unscrupulously decided to hide all the crimes and even photo’s of it, for us.
So we married without knowing we both were defenseless against any rapist or man who wanted to have sex with my girlfriend and later wife! Even the fact I was made infertile by the rapist and our first child, a girl, was from this rapist, was hidden from us! Causing two more children from rapist also! Until 2000 she was defenseless and I didn’t have a clue thinking the children were mine and no rapes had been done to her!
This criminal organization and family decided for me and over me, that I had no right to have children of my own! It could easily be done with some therapy! Until 2000 I thought the 3 children were mine, although everybody around us knew they were not! My sick defenseless wife still thinks they are from me! The children even falsified DNA Fathership tests by changing the swabs with the family of the son-in-law.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I think this horrifying story will be Dutch legacy! This horrifying ordeal must be told!
And now we suffered millions in financial damage too! I lost my top position as a headhunter in 2004 only because these criminals refused to simply tell the truth! I will be broke in a few months and can do nothing about it! If the truth came out, we would have millions in damage payments, or from the rights of a book and movie.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
So I published the first book end of 2007 on my own, but when l learned about Smashwords, it was perfect for me! Nobody can keep my books from being published now! I am responsible and I know I am right and so dare to publish! I sold the rights to my Hans Smedema Amnesia Foundation in Panama so the Dutch will never get a penny!
A Dutch police judge, without allowing any defense, the same in the appeal case, ordered me to take all the names from my Blog and books! Which I refuse to do! He also sentenced me to pay the rapist and two fathers of children, 5300 euro! Which again I refuse to do. So this case will get more ugly by the day now! In weeks they will seize my accounts! I stopped paying taxes too! Why should I pay taxes to the Dutch when they ruined and destroyed my life since 1972!
What is the greatest motivation of writing for you?
What did your English translator say about the book?
English translator:’It is a story that will arouse horrified fascination. I stayed up late reading last night; I had to force myself to stop. Yes, it’s hard to believe these things could really be happening to someone. I like your writing style; it is very direct and very accessible to the reader, like you’re right there, talking, and this makes it very compelling to keep reading. The dark world of pornography is permeated through our culture and has so many hidden layers that would shock the average person. We’ve all heard the expression “truth is stranger than fiction”; this goes beyond all sinister imagination…’
Why do you think this story is unprecedented and unique?
Nobody can understand how a family betrays their own daughter, sister and brother in law! Helping the rapist hide their crimes, and betraying the unaware loving couple! That children delete evidence and falsify DNA-tests is also heinous.
Also, a woman like my wife, not knowing her children are from different rapist, and still thinking she has never been raped or has slept with another man than her husband, is beyond comprehension for most people!
And all that during 28 years before I at last found out slowly. Most psychiatrists deny that it can happen! They fight each other over it! But my story proves it can! With a double personality in combination with me suppressing everything and the cover-up from the family and physicians.
There have been 5 murder attempts on my life! And my poor neighbor was secretly murdered to prevent this horrifying story from being published.
And then Queen Juliana, her daughter Beatrix and now even King Willem Alexander involved and refusing to stop their secret ruling which orders all Dutch officials to hide everything! People I speak ask ‘why would they do that?’
Next, the Dutch asked America to help also and so my American friend suffered for 10 years too before he won his case with my file and was paid almost a million damages!
The Dutch hide and manipulate all evidence and forbid any investigation or help from lawyers! Now 13 years without ever having legal aid! Against all human rights! I have to do all fighting by myself, not having legal knowledge at all! But nobody talks or publishes about that horrifying fact!
Impossible that this has ever been done before!
It is most probably unprecedented! Only the French famous Dreyfus affair comes a bit close.
What are the greatest problems you face?
Famous lawyer Mr. Bram Moszkowicz did only some defense, but almost sure he was not allowed to help much and had to ignore all evidence and/or documents I provided! Without telling me! He refused to help with the main case too!
My wife fighting me is also a big problem. When she cries, I stop fighting for the time being. I don’t want to hurt my wife, but she visits my enemies! Thinking they are friends based on the conspiracy hiding all evidence!
No media attention and therefore no help from public opinion is horrifying. You are a lunatic is all the ‘help’ I get!
But as always something negative always has a positive side too. This case for sure will be in a movie. I have a concept script almost ready! But that will only happen when world community finds out at last this story is true.
What are you working on next?
My defenseless wife still thinks I am delusional and making this up. We are fighting each other at home when together! Horrifying for a couple still in love with each other! I love her, but every day have to see her suffer and sometimes cry, but can do nothing against it! At last, we had to divorce in June 2015. Later I found out she also betrayed me in an unscrupulous way since September 1971!
So how to write the last chapters? But I will finish it anyway. The last part is ready both in Dutch and English, only an end is needed.