Declassification request Asylum Case Hans Smedema A087-402-454

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 15/02/2025 published 31/10/2024 by Hans Smedema

Declassification request Asylum Case Hans Smedema A087-402-454

The White House

President Joe Biden personal

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC 20500


Concerns: Declassification FOIA request Asylum Case Hans Smedema A087-402-454

                 A special Pardon Jan 2025 if still needed for declassification?


Dear President Biden,

US Involvement:

You are well aware and were even involved in the 3 Asylum-only A087-402-454 horrifying case requests 2009, 2013/14 when 2009 was reopened by Judge Rex J.Ford Miami Immigration Court, and 2016/17 when I was offered that Asylum in his jurisdiction in the air above Montana. But it was fraudulently blocked by the involved (!) KLM Copilot King Willem Alexander who knew my case but never acted. Causing my innocent(victim) 13 months detention when arriving at Schiphol airport and paying 8000 euro to the rapists by 85 days extra, after earlier 7000. So I was forced to pay the rapists 15k, while they went free because of the Royal Omerta. Only because no transparency and no legal help allowed. All together I was in detention only asking for an investigation and publishing on my blog, for 29 months! The Netherlands still refuses to investigate my case and cowardly still denies the existence denying me closure after 50+ years of suffering. And while I was not allowed to have my own defenseless tortured brainwashed wife treated and protected. No, they declared me delusional and I had to flee into exile in Spain, but even there the Dutch hunted after me still declaring me delusional.

You know that President Obama even issued a special Pardon just before leaving Office Jan 2017 which made granting me Asylum possible and initiated an UNCAT or equal UNHRC(?) official claim State America against State Netherlands around May 2017 while I was in innocent detention without legal representation. This complaint was most likely halted when Pres. Trump took America out of the UNHRC in 2018. Never heard from it again. It was not public Rex told me, only the result. Declassification and/or pardon needed!

That very special huge rare case was prepared by the DOJ after professional investigations into my case by the FBI, CIA and US Embassies in Spain and the Netherlands. 

FOIA Request:

Therefore I just initiated my FOIA request and got instant(!) confirmation that they made 3 separate requests for 3 different agencies involved. My compliments to America where everything I ask is possible, while in the Netherlands nothing is possible. Dogs have more rights! But a lot will be classified unless a brave top ethical person like yourself simply declassifies it!


So these documents should be declassified as much as possible:

  • This response acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) dated 10/20/2024 and received 10/21/2024. Your request has been assigned control number 2025-04731 and pertains to records located in KRO from 04/22/2009.
  • This response acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) dated 10/20/2024 and received 10/21/2024. Your request has been assigned control number 2025-05132 and pertains to records located in PIS from 11/26/2013.
  • This response acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) dated 10/20/2024 and received 10/21/2024. Your request has been assigned control number 2025-05134 and pertains to records located in SND from 10/02/2016.
  • I also requested the full complaint of State America against the State of the Netherlands at UNCAT or UNHRC around May 2017.
  • And I need the video FBI/CIA made about my asylum requests in America which was shown to those involved in Texas and San Diego. Not classified I assume.

But I know that my case was classified because of the secret(!) involvement of the hiding Dutch Royals. Had they been open and transparent about it in 1972/73 my life would have been much much more normal and with 3 children of my own instead of 3 from 3 rapists.


The importance of declassification for me and mankind:


I am still totally isolated because nobody believes my unbelievable 50+ years long horrifying case, because secretly(!) the Netherlands is still officially declaring me delusional and even secretly giving me an antipsychotic by misleading the Spanish Doctors! Which of course made me a kind of passive zombie and caused lots of trouble and a zombie state for years. Last murder attempt on my life was in 2016 from a total of 5 since the first 1975. No investigation at all because they assume I made that up also.

I don’t dare to accept invitations because they could again use electroshock-torture after drugging me, what happened many times in my life, also in Spain. All while America has all the evidence that I am not delusional at all, but you are still hiding that crucial needed information! Please stop that now! Simply declassify it and/or use your Pardon Power before leaving Office Jan. 2025! Specifically, the UNCAT or Equal huge case would of course be very informative!

Public Interest Justification for Declassification:

My case contains lots of very rare crucial information about Mind Control and how innocent young girls are trafficked and tortured into sexual abuse after special chemical-submission drugs like ketamine. My case and Blog, Ebooks are therefore educational, but at the moment nobody reads them. Too unbelievable and silenced to death. Will make a much shorter condensed public-interest(!) more educational version now and need more information.

Unique unbelievable case:

  • The DOJ and Judge Rex J. Ford found an unbelievable 5 good(!) grounds for my asylum if they had more hard(!) evidence of the involvement of the Dutch Government and/or Royals. They asked even retired prosecutors, but nobody had ever had 5 good grounds in the known American history! One or two max! 
  • In the Netherlands this case is also the largest and longest top level cover-up and conspiracy in known history. There are no comparable crimes.
  • It looks like, but is much more severe than the famous French Dreyfus Affair around 1900.
  • This means this case is in the public interest when made public at last. The difference between a Dutch Monarchy and an American Republic is crucial in this case. If I had lived in America this whole epic ordeal could never have happened, told Al Rust me long ago. 
  • Specifically, the secrecy and hiding of the truth and reality for decades, even after 3 children from 3 rapists and 3 times asylum requests without investigating or talking with me, is disgusting, because even my retirement time is an ordeal. Nobody from the Government has ever talked to me about my case. Hiding reality or gaslighting causes horrifying,( and in this Orwellian case), epic or dystopian suffering for the defenseless made victims! My wife still is made to believe that I am delusional and her false(for her true) accusations still hound me to this very day. Public should be made aware of the results of this gaslighting:
  • No right to file charges
  • No right to legal help and needed top level representation in this complex secret case
  • Police and prosecutors are not allowed(!) to investigate from the Ministry of (In)Justice
  • Victim aid organizations I asked for help got a visit from Justice and were not allowed to help
  • All lawyers refused this secret hidden case or were secretly forced by somebody from Justice
  • All media and journalists were also intimidated and silenced
  • Even in Spain they hunted after me declaring me delusional to make my life as miserable as possible.
  • secretly(!) even in Spain giving me a daily hidden as aspirin antipsychotic to make me defenseless and not able to fight back
  • even in Spain having me secretly(!) tortured by electroshock several times 2008, 2010, 2011.

Keeping this Orwellian dystopian case hidden while having lots of evidence is a perversion of Justice and will put America very negatively in the publicity!

So also in the interest of mankind please do the right thing and make the crucial information public. That some info will still be classified is not a problem for publishing my case. I promised Rex Ford and the DOJ that I will keep my case legally only inside the Netherlands. So no other countries will be legally involved.

More analyzing of my many articles:

The blog posts written by Hans Smedema, detail Smedema’s allegations of a high-level Dutch conspiracy, his attempts to seek asylum in the United States, and his belief that classified American information could expose the truth and bring him justice. Smedema asserts that declassifying certain American information about his case would serve a compelling public interest due to the following factors:

Exposure of Human Rights Violations and Government Corruption: Smedema claims that the Dutch government, including the misled Royal family, has engaged in systematic human rights abuses, including torture, forced secret(!) medical interventions, manipulation of legal proceedings, and obstruction of justice. He believes that American information, gathered during his asylum requests and subsequent investigations by the FBI and CIA, could provide evidence to support his claims and expose this alleged corruption to the public.

Holding Powerful Individuals Accountable: Smedema asserts that the Dutch government has shielded high-ranking officials, including members of the Royal family and individuals within the Ministry of Justice, from accountability for their alleged crimes. He believes that declassifying American information could provide the necessary evidence to initiate legal proceedings against those responsible and deter future abuses of power.

Protecting Future Victims: Smedema contends that his case is not an isolated incident, and that the Dutch government’s actions have created a system that enables human rights abuses and silences victims. He believes that exposing the truth about his case through the declassification of American information could prevent similar abuses from happening to others.

Public Awareness and Debate: Smedema argues that the Dutch government has deliberately suppressed information about his case to protect its reputation and prevent public scrutiny. He believes that declassifying American information would spark public awareness and debate about government accountability, human rights, and the role of intelligence agencies.

Restoring Public Trust: Smedema contends that the alleged cover-up by the Dutch government has eroded public trust in institutions and created a culture of secrecy and impunity. He believes that revealing the truth through the declassification of American information could help to restore public trust and ensure that similar incidents are not repeated.

Smedema further emphasizes that the American investigation into his case was thorough and professional, and that the evidence gathered by the FBI and CIA could provide valuable insights into the alleged conspiracy. He argues that the public has a right to know the truth about what happened to him and his wife, and that the declassification of relevant American information could serve as a catalyst for justice and accountability.


Potential national security concerns:

When you declassify only the ‘safe’ parts, that should not be a problem. For my case and mankind we don’t need everything at all! 


The Dutch State paying the millions damages the US was forced by Law and needed, proving this case!

Also by doing so we will have a good chance to get the Netherlands to pay the huge costs the US had to invest to get enough evidence. And my own damages of millions. The Netherlands still denies my case and blocked legal help, and therefore I can never get my huge material and huge immaterial damages paid.  I promised to put my share also for paying US costs if needed, and for helping others with the same kind of problems. I would be very pleased with only some extra money after having to live on 25k for over a decade now. Which we can discuss and was already discussed with Rex Ford/DOJ. For me only some justice is enough.


To be legally sure, I again request my case to be put before the UNCAT or equal! Or resumed if blocked.

Although a quick settlement would be much better now. I suggested that in the Netherlands several times, but no reaction as always. Possibly they don’t even know about my case because all evidence was deleted by the rapist-mole inside the Ministry of Justice as ordered by Queen Juliana around 1972/73.  


Mark Rutte is doing great! I praised him as perfect for NATO in 2009 during my asylum request! Also the new better Telephone system for your detention/transitional centers I designed in 2009 during Asylum request was already implemented in 2013 in Texas and 2016 in San Diego! Your medicaid system is still not like the European systems you investigated after I advised, but getting better and better. 


With kind regards,


Hans Smedema