Last Updated 10/03/2025 published 10/03/2025 by Hans Smedema
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Smedema: Allegations of International Obstruction to Justice
Hans Smedema alleges that several actions taken abroad, either by the Dutch government exerting its influence internationally or by the complicity of foreign entities, significantly obstructed his pursuit of justice. These alleged actions span multiple countries and international organizations, forming a key part of his narrative of a widespread conspiracy against him.
Obstructing Asylum Requests!
One of the most prominent areas of alleged international obstruction involves Smedema’s attempts to seek asylum in the United States. Smedema sought political asylum in the US on three separate occasions, believing the American legal system would be more impartial. However, he claims that the Dutch government actively worked to prevent him from reaching the US and gaining asylum, thus obstructing his efforts to expose his allegations on an international stage.
Exploiting a bilateral judicial treaty!
Specifically, Smedema alleges that the Dutch government exploited a bilateral judicial treaty between the Netherlands and the US to prevent him from gaining asylum. He argues that this treaty, which was intended for legal cooperation between the two nations, was misused by the Dutch government to shield itself from scrutiny. Smedema believes the treaty was interpreted and applied in a way that prioritized the protection of the Dutch Crown and the alleged conspiracy over his individual human rights and his need for protection from persecution.
Found five valid grounds for asylum based on FBI investigation!
He contends that this misuse of the treaty effectively prevented American authorities from granting him asylum, even when a US asylum judge, Rex J. Ford, reportedly found five valid grounds for asylum in his case based on FBI investigation findings. Despite this alleged validation, Smedema’s asylum requests were ultimately denied, which he attributes to the overriding influence of the bilateral treaty as allegedly manipulated by the Dutch government.
Pressured authorities in Canada and Mexico
Furthermore, Smedema claims that the Dutch government pressured authorities in Canada and Mexico to deny him entry and send him back to the Netherlands, thus preventing him from reaching the US border to pursue his asylum claims. He believes these actions demonstrate the extent to which the Dutch government was willing to go to isolate him and prevent his allegations from gaining international attention.
King Willem-Alexander’s personal intervention
A particularly striking allegation of international obstruction involves King Willem-Alexander’s personal intervention to block Smedema’s asylum offer. Smedema claims that on March 15, 2017, while he was being deported from Los Angeles to Amsterdam on a KLM flight, Judge Ford attempted to grant him asylum in US airspace. Smedema alleges that King Willem-Alexander, who was serving as co-pilot on the flight, personally interfered by falsely telling Judge Ford that Smedema did not want asylum and instead wished to seek asylum in Germany. Smedema views this alleged incident as a blatant abuse of power and concrete proof of the Royal Family’s direct involvement in obstructing justice and silencing him.
False ECHR Information provided by the Dutch Ministry of Justice
Smedema also alleges obstruction related to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). He claims that the ECHR’s decision to reject his complaint in 2005 relied on false information provided by the Dutch Ministry of Justice. He believes that this alleged misinformation concealed the alleged cover-up and his inability to secure legal representation in the Netherlands, leading the ECHR to conclude that he had not exhausted all domestic legal options. Smedema argues that this reliance on allegedly manipulated information from the Dutch government further obstructed his attempts to seek justice on an international level.
Dutch government’s influence extends to Spain
Furthermore, Smedema believes that the Dutch government’s influence extends to Spain, where he fled into exile in 2008. He alleges that the Dutch “Omerta Organization” is pressuring Spanish authorities to participate in the conspiracy against him. He interprets incidents such as the alleged lack of police intervention during his purported torture in Benidorm and the secret administration of antipsychotic drugs in Spain as evidence of this alleged cooperation between Dutch and Spanish entities to control and silence him. Smedema believes Spain is prioritizing its relationship with the Dutch Crown over his well-being and his rights as a victim.
In summary
In summary, Smedema alleges a multifaceted campaign of international obstruction that included the misuse of a bilateral treaty with the US, pressure on Canada and Mexico to deny him entry, the personal intervention of King Willem-Alexander to block his US asylum, the provision of false information to the ECHR by the Dutch Ministry of Justice, and the exertion of influence on Spanish authorities to continue his alleged persecution abroad. These alleged actions, according to Smedema, demonstrate a concerted effort by the Dutch government and its allies to prevent him from finding safety, exposing the truth, and obtaining justice on an international level.

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based on the legal written statements on this Blog and eBooks by the victim Author:
Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain