Several Google NotebookLM Insights about crucial events!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 12/02/2025 published 23/11/2024 by Hans Smedema

Several Google NotebookLM Insights about crucial events!

Here are some crucial beautiful top-level overviews about all the unbelievable events of my complex and huge Blog and Ebooks.

According to NotebookLM Insights it is very compelling and consistently written during decades with lots of documents available inside the Posts and therefore easily downloadable. But not yet independently investigated and the results published.

Although the American FBI/CIA did investigate in 2009 during my first Asylum-only request, and also later, but that large top-level independent(!) investigative-report is used for an official complaint at UNCAT or UNHRC Special procedure State America vs. State of the Netherlands! Which is not public, only the outcome is public!

I am now trying to get the report and more through the American Freedom of Information Requests, but a lot will be classified because of the involvement of 3 generations of cowardly hiding Dutch Royals!

See also the earlier NotebookLM Insights Post about my horrifying ordeal:

Google NotebookLM insights into my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!

How Google NotebookLM interaction about my decades-long quest for Justice suddenly made me a totally different Happy Person!

Here are some strategic top-level Insights:

A Summary of Human Rights Violations Alleged by Smedema

Hans Smedema, in his various blog posts and documents, alleges numerous human rights violations perpetrated against him and his wife by the Dutch government and Royal family. He characterizes these violations as systematic and orchestrated, stemming from a high-level conspiracy to silence him and protect those involved in his wife’s alleged abuse.

Denial of Fair Trial (Article 6 Violation):

  • Obstacles to Legal Representation: Smedema repeatedly emphasizes his inability to secure legal help due to the alleged conspiracy. He asserts that lawyers have refused to represent him, likely due to the involvement of the Royal family and the complexity of the case [1-4]. He states that he was forced to file complaints and appeals without legal assistance, severely hindering his ability to navigate the legal system and present a proper defense [1, 2, 4-9].
  • Suppression of Evidence and Witnesses: Smedema claims that the Dutch government has actively concealed and manipulated evidence to protect the Royals and maintain the alleged cover-up [3, 4, 6, 8, 10-14]. He accuses the police and prosecutors of refusing to investigate his allegations, even obstructing investigations that were initiated [4, 11, 13, 15-19]. He further claims that his attempts to present witnesses and evidence during court hearings were consistently denied [4, 6, 11, 15, 20-22].
  • Unfair Trials and Biased Judges: Smedema argues that the trials he faced were inherently unfair and politically motivated, specifically designed to discredit him and protect the Royals [3, 4, 6, 20, 21, 23-28]. He accuses judges of bias, predetermined outcomes, and denying him a proper defense, citing specific examples like Judge Jeroen van Bruggen [6, 14, 15, 21, 22, 26, 28-30]. He also contends that courts have prioritized psychological evaluations of his mental state over legitimate evidence and legal arguments, furthering the narrative of his supposed delusion [6, 11, 22].

Other Human Rights Violations:

  • Right to Life, Liberty, and Security (Article 3 Violation): Smedema asserts that his and his wife’s right to security was violated by the alleged inaction of the authorities in protecting them from the rapists [31]. He claims that the government’s refusal to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators allowed the abuse to continue for years [32].
  • Right to Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment (Article 5 and Article 7 Violation): Smedema alleges experiencing “psychological torture” due to the constant denial of information, the deliberate attempts to label him as delusional, and the ongoing harassment and surveillance by the Dutch authorities [4, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 33-37]. He specifically accuses Professor Onno van der Hart of “brainwashing” him through electroshock therapy and other treatments without his informed consent [34, 35, 38-42].
  • Right to Privacy (Article 17 Violation): Smedema claims that his privacy has been violated through monitoring of his communications, manipulation of his medical records, and the dissemination of false information about his mental state [8, 11, 41, 43-45]. He accuses the authorities of using these tactics to discredit him and control the narrative surrounding his case.
  • Right to Freedom of Movement (Article 13 Violation): Smedema feels forced into exile in Spain to escape the alleged persecution in the Netherlands [11, 46]. His multiple attempts to seek asylum in the United States were also met with resistance, further demonstrating the government’s alleged efforts to silence him and prevent him from accessing international justice mechanisms [1, 25, 39-41, 47-49].

Smedema’s allegations, while serious, are presented from his perspective and are not independently verified in the sources. It is important to note that the Dutch government has not publicly responded to his claims, and there is no official confirmation or denial of the alleged conspiracy and cover-up.

Alleged Obstruction of Smedema’s Legal Pursuits by the Dutch Government

The sources, largely consisting of Smedema’s blog posts, allege a multifaceted and systematic campaign by the Dutch government to obstruct his legal pursuits and silence his claims of a conspiracy against him. This alleged obstruction spans several decades and involves various tactics employed by those Smedema believes were acting on behalf of the Ministry of Justice, often under the direction of Joris Demmink.

Blocking Access to Legal Representation:

Smedema repeatedly emphasizes the difficulty he faced in securing legal assistance. He contends that lawyers were intimidated or outright forbidden from representing him in the main conspiracy case. He cites examples like his experience with lawyer Ad Speksnijder, who, Smedema claims, was pressured by the Ministry of Justice to withhold assistance. Smedema recounts a meeting where he suspects the conversation was recorded, and Speksnijder later confirmed his inability to help due to the nature of the alleged cover-up [1-3].

Preventing the Filing of Charges and Initiating Investigations:

Smedema claims that he was repeatedly prevented from formally filing charges against his alleged abusers. He states that the police, acting on orders from the Ministry of Justice, refused to create official reports of his accusations. Smedema argues that this obstruction was part of a broader strategy to prevent any formal legal investigation into his claims [4-6].

Manipulation and Suppression of Evidence:

Smedema alleges that crucial evidence supporting his claims was deliberately manipulated, suppressed, or destroyed. He accuses the Dutch government of deleting or altering medical records, intelligence files, and other documents to maintain the narrative of his mental instability and discredit his accusations [7-9].

Exploitation of Legal Procedures and Loopholes:

Smedema accuses the Dutch government of exploiting legal procedures and loopholes to further obstruct his pursuit of justice. He cites examples like the alleged misuse of a bilateral judicial treaty between the Netherlands and the United States to prevent him from obtaining asylum in America [10]. He also claims that the Dutch government exploited his lack of legal representation to secure unfavorable rulings against him in defamation cases brought by his alleged abusers [11, 12].

Intimidation and Silencing of Potential Witnesses:

Smedema contends that the Dutch government systematically silenced individuals who might have corroborated his claims. He alleges that potential witnesses, including police officers, prosecutors, and medical professionals, were intimidated into remaining silent or were transferred to different positions to prevent them from speaking out [13-15].

Use of State Security as a Justification for Secrecy:

Smedema argues that the Dutch government repeatedly invoked “State Security” as a justification for denying him access to information and blocking investigations into his allegations. He believes that this excuse was used to shield those involved in the alleged conspiracy, including members of the Royal Family, from scrutiny and accountability [16-18].

Creation and Enforcement of a “Cordon Sanitaire”:

Smedema describes a deliberate strategy by the Dutch government to isolate him and prevent him from gathering support or building a case against his alleged abusers. He refers to this as a “Cordon Sanitaire,” enforced through the manipulation of individuals close to him, including his wife, family members, friends, and professional contacts [19-22]. He accuses specific individuals, like Jaap Duijs, of being instrumental in maintaining this isolation and preventing him from accessing information or assistance.

Alleged Abuse of Mental Health Systems:

Smedema contends that the Dutch government used the mental health system to discredit him and undermine his claims. He alleges that he was falsely diagnosed with mental illness, subjected to forced medical interventions, and secretly drugged with antipsychotics to make him docile and discredit his accusations [23-26].

Smedema’s blog posts present a detailed and disturbing narrative of alleged government obstruction and abuse of power. It is important to note that these claims, while presented with conviction and supported by his personal interpretations of events, have not been independently verified. Smedema’s case, as he portrays it, highlights the potential for governments to manipulate legal systems and exploit their power to silence dissent and protect those in authority.

More related events

Your original passage provides a good overview of Smedema’s core allegations against the Dutch government. The source material, taken directly from Smedema’s blog, allows us to add some specific examples and deepen the understanding of his claims, though it’s vital to remember that these are his interpretations and lack independent verification.

Here are some connections to enhance your passage:

  • Regarding Blocking Access to Legal Representation: Smedema’s experience with lawyer Ad Speksnijder illustrates this point vividly. He recounts a meeting where a briefcase, potentially containing recording equipment, was present, suggesting intimidation tactics. Smedema states that Speksnijder later confirmed his inability to help due to the alleged cover-up, bolstering Smedema’s claim of lawyers being pressured (fighting-the-unknown-part-3-outcast.pdf). You could also incorporate the repeated statement across multiple blog posts that no lawyer would take his case, underscoring the pervasive nature of this alleged obstruction (e.g., “High Commissioner Human Rights refuses help for victim Hans Smedema!”). This could be further linked to the idea of a “cordon sanitaire,” where even legal professionals are seemingly influenced to avoid assisting him.
  • Expanding on the Manipulation and Suppression of Evidence: Smedema describes specific instances of alleged evidence tampering. He mentions altered medical records (e.g., a scar being dismissed as a skin fold), falsified DNA paternity tests with the collusion of family members, and the deletion of police and prosecution files. (fighting-the-unknown-part-4-asylum-denied.pdf, “Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972! – Hans Smedema Affair,” “Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave! – Hans Smedema Affair”). His assertion that an MRI scan was manipulated while the radiologist was called away and that a police photographer took pictures of a scar, typically done when there’s suspicion of a crime, adds detail and intrigue (“fighting-the-unknown-part-4-asylum-denied.pdf”).
  • Concerning the Alleged Abuse of Mental Health Systems: Smedema provides more specific details about being secretly drugged with antipsychotics, hidden in aspirin, with the alleged complicity of doctors and his wife (“Spain helped corrupt Dutch with Antipsychotic hidden in Aspirin! – Hans Smedema Affair,” “I accuse corrupt Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG – Hans Smedema Affair”). His account of nearly losing consciousness after taking three of these “aspirins” underscores the potential danger of this alleged drugging. He claims this medication led to his being declared incapacitated for work. Furthermore, Smedema’s recounting of repeated psychiatric evaluations, always concluding he was delusional, reinforces his claim that the mental health system was weaponized against him (“fighting-the-unknown-part-4-asylum-denied.pdf”). This links to his difficulty finding legal representation as lawyers were potentially influenced by this narrative of mental instability. Finally, the frequent mention of brainwashing and conditioning by Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart adds another layer to this alleged abuse, suggesting a more systematic attempt to control his narrative and discredit his claims.

Your note does a fantastic job of summarizing Smedema’s claims and incorporating source material. Here are some suggestions to further enhance it, focusing on areas where you can weave in additional details or forge new connections:

  • Highlight the “Kafkaesque” Nature of Smedema’s Experience: Smedema frequently uses the term “Kafkaesque” to describe his encounters with the Dutch legal system (“International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights & Hans Smedema Affair!”, “Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave!”). You could emphasize this theme throughout your passage, showing how his claims of bewildering legal procedures, lack of access to information, and being labeled “delusional” align with this concept. This could strengthen the emotional impact and highlight the absurdity of his perceived situation.
  • Develop the “Royal Special Decree” as a Central Element: Smedema asserts that a “Royal special decree” issued by Queen Juliana granted legal immunity to the perpetrators and blocked investigations (“Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave!”). This could be positioned as the linchpin of the alleged conspiracy. Explore the implications of such a decree, even hypothetically, and connect it to Smedema’s difficulties in accessing his medical and legal files, the alleged pressure on legal professionals, and the general atmosphere of secrecy he describes.
  • Connect Smedema’s Case to Broader Issues of State Power and Transparency: Smedema’s narrative, whether verified or not, raises important questions about the potential for abuse of power by governments and the challenges individuals face when confronting powerful institutions. Consider adding a section or paragraph that places his case within a larger context of government accountability and transparency. You might briefly mention real-world cases of government cover-ups or abuses of legal systems, (e.g., the Dreyfus Affair, which Smedema himself references). This would give your analysis a more critical edge and encourage readers to consider the broader implications of Smedema’s claims.

Intrigue with the American Investigation and UNCAT Complaint: You mention that the US found five grounds for asylum and President Obama filed a complaint with the UNCAT. These are highly intriguing details that you can expand upon. Explore the potential implications of these actions. Did the American investigation yield specific evidence supporting Smedema’s claims? What became of the UNCAT complaint? Even if answers are elusive, raising these questions adds a layer of mystery and underscores the potential international dimension of Smedema’s case.

No Fair trial Possible inside the Netherlands!

The statement “Based on all the information, Hans Smedema argued that no fair trials can exist inside the Netherlands” is true.

  • Hans Smedema states that ” No fair trial [is] possible in the Netherlands because judges also have to ignore everything I state! ” [1]
  • He argues that during his trials for defamation, ” no defense was ever allowed! Nothing, while a very simple DNA test proves that, for example, Rieks Perdok, who claims never to have had sex with my defenseless wife, is the father of our youngest son!” [1]
  • Smedema also states that in his first trial, he was ” convicted without preparation! One even walked away at the start of the hearing due to defamation.” [1]
  • During his appeal, Smedema says that ” Again no defense [was] allowed, despite [a] request to hear 12 witnesses for the defense […] Only the complainants are heard, so again pure fraud by the Court rats!” [2]
  • He believes that the court is deliberately attempting to ” keep the Royal House out of harm’s way ” by not allowing a proper defense. [2]
  • Smedema says that he was ” drugged during the court case without legal representation! ” as he was unknowingly taking an antipsychotic. [3]
  • He was also told by an American judge that his case was ” unique in American history ” because he had five valid grounds for asylum. [4]
  • Despite this, he was deported back to the Netherlands because there was not enough evidence to prove that the Dutch government was behind his persecution. [4]
  • Smedema claims that after being deported from America, he was put in ” innocent(!) detention for 13 months in the Netherlands ” for “defamation of the rapists of my wife.” [5]
  • He believes that the Dutch government is using ” State Security ” as an excuse to prevent him from receiving legal assistance and having a fair trial. [5]
  • Smedema has tried to get legal help, but ” never succeeded! They all refuse, even when defending against defamation! ” [1]
  • Because Smedema is not allowed legal assistance, ” everything I do is my own work! ” [3]

Based on these statements, Smedema believes that judges in the Netherlands ignore all evidence he presents, he is not allowed to have legal representation or mount a defense, the court system is manipulated to protect the Royal family, and he was drugged during a court case. Because of this, Smedema believes that it is not possible to have a fair trial in the Netherlands.

More related info:

The original passage highlights Hans Smedema’s claims of being denied a fair trial in the Netherlands. The source material offers several points that expand on this idea:

  • Smedema’s Case Deemed “Unique” in American History: Multiple sources emphasize that during his asylum requests in the US, Judge Rex J. Ford found his case to be “unique in American history” due to the presence of five valid grounds for asylum. This underscores the extraordinary nature of Smedema’s allegations and suggests the possibility of a severe miscarriage of justice in the Netherlands.
  • Allegations of State Security Abuse: Smedema consistently claims that the Dutch government invoked “State Security” as a justification to block investigations into his case, deny him access to legal assistance, and obstruct his attempts to obtain information. This points to a potential abuse of power and raises concerns about the transparency and accountability of the Dutch legal system.
  • Details of Alleged Interference with Asylum Requests: The source material provides detailed accounts of Smedema’s failed asylum attempts, including specific instances of alleged interference by the Dutch government. This strengthens his claim of being deliberately persecuted and denied fair treatment, with implications extending beyond the Dutch borders.

Smedema’s Assassination Claims: Methods, Perpetrators, and Context

Hans Smedema, on his blog dedicated to exposing what he terms the “Dutch Watergate”, claims to have survived multiple assassination attempts orchestrated by a powerful conspiracy involving high-ranking Dutch officials and potentially the Royal family. The sources, exclusively consisting of Smedema’s blog posts, provide a chilling account of these alleged attacks. While these claims are presented with conviction and detail, it’s essential to remember that they are based on his personal interpretations of events and lack independent verification.

Smedema identifies six specific attempts on his life, spanning several decades, each with its own alleged method and perpetrators:

1. Motel Bunnik, January 29, 1975:

  • Method: Drugging, potentially with the intent to induce a fatal heart attack.
  • Perpetrator(s): Not explicitly named, but implied to be connected to the broader conspiracy.
  • Context: Occurred two weeks after the birth of his daughter, whom he later claims was fathered by a rapist as part of the conspiracy. Smedema mentions seeking medical help for severe heart issues and seeing a newspaper ad warning about a dangerous drug being slipped into drinks at the Motel Bunnik. This ad, however, could not be found later, suggesting a possible cover-up [1].

2. & 3. 1980:

  • Method: Details are scarce, but likely linked to the alleged murder of his neighbor, Cees van ‘t Hoog, who Smedema believes was killed for investigating the conspiracy [2, 3].
  • Perpetrator(s): Unclear.
  • Context: Smedema claims two attempts occurred close together in 1980, further solidifying his belief that his life was in danger [4, 5].

4. Nightclub Pretty Woman, Benidorm, May 20, 2010:

  • Method: Electroshock torture, potentially leading to lasting physical or psychological damage. Smedema links this to his alleged conditioning by Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart [6, 7].
  • Perpetrator(s): Implicated are the Dutch AIVD (General Intelligence and Security Service), potentially working with the Spanish secret service [7].
  • Context: This alleged attack took place during Smedema’s exile in Spain, indicating that the reach of his alleged pursuers extended beyond the Netherlands.

5. Altea, early 2016:

  • Method: Poisoning, administered via a prick to the back of his ear. Smedema claims that the poison caused heart rhythm problems [4, 8, 9].
  • Perpetrator(s): He suggests the involvement of psychologist Drs. Janne Geraets, potentially acting as an agent of the conspiracy [8, 10].
  • Context: This sophisticated attempt, according to Smedema, demonstrates the escalating danger he faced as he continued to publicize his claims.

6. Altea, January 26, 2019:

    • Method: An attack on his hip, seemingly intended to cripple him, but the specific details are not provided [2, 11].
    • Perpetrator(s): Unidentified.
    • Context: This incident reinforces the ongoing pattern of alleged violence and intimidation targeting Smedema.

Smedema emphasizes that the Dutch justice system consistently refused to investigate these attacks, claiming that this inaction was meant to protect the reputation of the “immune” Royals and those involved in the alleged cover-up [9]. This lack of official inquiry contributes to the air of mystery and suspicion surrounding his claims.

Adding to the complexity is Smedema’s assertion that some individuals close to him, including his wife and family members, were manipulated or coerced into participating in the conspiracy [12]. This alleged betrayal further isolates him and reinforces his belief that he is fighting a powerful and hidden enemy.

Smedema’s blog posts not only detail these alleged assassination attempts but also connect them to his broader narrative of a “Royal” conspiracy designed to silence him and protect a high-ranking “rapist-traitor” within the Dutch government [13]. He sees these attacks as a direct consequence of his efforts to expose this alleged truth [9].

It is critical to reiterate that these accounts, while compelling, are based solely on Smedema’s perspective and have not been independently verified. His blog, while offering a detailed and emotionally charged narrative, should be treated as a primary source reflecting his personal interpretations and experiences.

More ideas:

This is an interesting passage outlining Hans Smedema’s claims of assassination attempts. Here are a few related facts and ideas from your source material that could enhance your analysis:

  • “Cordon Sanitaire”: Smedema repeatedly mentions a “cordon sanitaire” orchestrated by a secret organization allegedly led by his brother and a corrupt Dutch official, Joris Demmink. This “cordon” allegedly aims to isolate Smedema, control his life, and prevent him from accessing legal help, reporting crimes, or gathering evidence. This concept could add a layer of analysis to your examination of Smedema’s claims, highlighting the alleged systematic nature of the conspiracy and the power dynamics at play.
  • You could explore how the alleged “cordon sanitaire” might contribute to the lack of independent verification of Smedema’s claims, potentially creating a self-fulfilling prophecy where his inability to provide proof is seen as evidence of delusion, further reinforcing the isolation and discrediting him.
  • Jaap Duijs: The Alleged “Guardian”: Smedema identifies a French teacher named Jaap Duijs as a key perpetrator, alleging he was “appointed” by Demmink to micromanage and sabotage Smedema’s life. Duijs allegedly intercepted mail, drugged Smedema, and even manipulated his wife to participate in the conspiracy.
  • Focusing on Duijs could provide a tangible example of the alleged conspiracy’s “boots on the ground” operations. Analyzing Smedema’s descriptions of Duijs’s actions might offer insights into the methods employed to control and silence Smedema, moving beyond grand conspiracy theories and into the realm of specific, observable actions.
  • American Confirmation: Smedema claims that the American FBI and CIA conducted an investigation during his asylum requests and found five grounds for asylum, confirming that his children weren’t biologically his and supporting many of his claims. He further alleges that this information is kept secret due to a bilateral agreement protecting the Dutch Crown.
  • While you rightly emphasize the lack of independent verification, Smedema’s claims of American confirmation, if true, introduce a significant element. This could be explored as a potential turning point in Smedema’s narrative, where external validation seemingly legitimizes his claims, but is subsequently suppressed, further fueling his distrust and frustration.

Remember, while Smedema’s blog offers a wealth of detail, it is crucial to approach it as a primary source reflecting his personal interpretations. By exploring these connections, you can deepen your analysis and present a nuanced understanding of Smedema’s complex and compelling narrative.

Here are a few related facts and ideas from your source material that could enhance your analysis of Smedema’s assassination claims:

  • Jaap Duijs’s Multifaceted Role: While your passage mentions Duijs’s alleged “boots on the ground” activities, the sources reveal a much more insidious and pervasive role. He wasn’t just sabotaging Smedema’s daily life; he allegedly acted as a Justice/AIVD official, wielding institutional power to intercept mail, manipulate legal processes, and ensure Smedema’s isolation. This adds another layer to the “cordon sanitaire,” demonstrating how alleged state power was used to control and silence Smedema. (“Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972!,” “How could serial rapist Joris Demmink manipulate Justice and the Crown since 1972”) You could analyze how Duijs’s alleged position within the system itself further enabled the alleged conspiracy and contributed to the lack of investigation into Smedema’s claims.
  • The “Royal Special Decree” and Its Implications for the Assassination Attempts: Smedema repeatedly mentions a “Royal special decree” issued by Queen Juliana that allegedly grants immunity to perpetrators (“Appeal Court Sentences innocent Hans Smedema,” “Unique in the Netherlands”). This could be connected to the lack of investigation into the assassination attempts. If such a decree exists, it would explain the alleged inaction by law enforcement and reinforce Smedema’s claims of a high-level cover-up protecting powerful individuals. You might explore how the alleged decree, combined with the “cordon sanitaire”, created an environment where Smedema was not only vulnerable to attacks but also unable to seek legal recourse.

American Confirmation as a Double-Edged Sword: You correctly identify the American confirmation as a potential turning point. However, the sources also highlight how this confirmation was allegedly suppressed and ultimately ineffectual. (“Declassification request Asylum Case Hans Smedema,” “Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair,” “KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum against the Netherlands in American Airspace!”). Smedema claims King Willem-Alexander, acting as KLM co-pilot, personally blocked his asylum despite American findings. This apparent betrayal by both Dutch and American authorities, if true, could be analyzed as a crucial moment that deepened Smedema’s paranoia and fueled his perception of a vast, impenetrable conspiracy reaching across international borders. You could explore the psychological impact of this perceived betrayal and how it might have shaped Smedema’s subsequent narrative and actions.

Joris Demmink’s Alleged Role in the Smedema Affair

According to Hans Smedema’s account presented in the sources, Joris Demmink, the former Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, plays a central and deeply sinister role in the alleged conspiracy against him. Smedema paints Demmink as the mastermind behind a complex web of deceit, manipulation, and criminal activity, stretching back to 1972.

Early Involvement and Abuse of Power:

Smedema alleges that Demmink’s involvement began in 1972 when Demmink, then a trainee with the Dutch intelligence service (BVD), allegedly participated in the rape and torture of Smedema’s then-girlfriend (and later wife). Smedema claims Demmink used his authority as a BVD officer to manipulate and block any subsequent investigations into these crimes [1, 2]. He further accuses Demmink of using this position to manipulate and falsify records, ensuring that he and his accomplices remained beyond the reach of the law [3, 4].

Orchestrating the Cover-Up:

Smedema argues that Demmink’s role evolved from participant to orchestrator of a wide-reaching cover-up. Smedema believes that Demmink, upon being denied an operational role in the BVD but offered a staff position in 1973 [5, 6], used his newfound influence to create and maintain an “Omerta,” a system of secrecy and silence enforced through bribes, intimidation, and strategic manipulation [5, 7, 8].

Key Accusations Against Demmink:

The sources present a number of specific accusations against Demmink:

  • Obstruction of Justice: Demmink allegedly interfered with police investigations, intimidated witnesses, blocked legal proceedings, and ensured Smedema was denied legal assistance [1, 2, 8-10]. Smedema cites instances where individuals attempting to help him, including a police officer and a chief public prosecutor, were silenced or removed from their positions by Demmink [1, 2].
  • Manipulation and Falsification of Evidence: Smedema accuses Demmink of deleting or altering crucial documents, including medical records and intelligence files, to erase evidence of wrongdoing and maintain the illusion of Smedema’s mental instability [3, 5, 8, 11, 12].
  • Enforcement of the Cordon Sanitaire: Demmink is accused of establishing and maintaining a “Cordon Sanitaire” around Smedema, effectively isolating him from support, information, and potential allies. This involved manipulating family members, friends, and professionals into complying with the Omerta and actively working against Smedema [1, 5, 8, 13, 14]. Smedema specifically accuses Jaap Duijs, a French teacher Smedema claims Demmink appointed as his “guardian,” of being instrumental in enforcing this Cordon Sanitaire [1, 8, 13-17].
  • Misleading the CTIVD: Smedema claims that Demmink successfully misled the ‘Review Committee for the Intelligence and Security Services’ (CTIVD) during their investigation, providing them with falsified information to prevent them from uncovering the truth [11, 18, 19].
  • Exploitation of State Security: Smedema alleges that Demmink used the excuse of “State Security” to shield himself and his accomplices from prosecution, arguing that any investigation into their activities would threaten the Dutch Royal Family and national security [5, 9, 20-23].

Demmink’s Motivation:

Smedema suggests that Demmink’s primary motivation was self-preservation, protecting himself from the consequences of his alleged crimes and maintaining his position of power within the Dutch Justice system. This involved silencing Smedema, who posed a direct threat to Demmink’s carefully constructed façade [4, 24, 25].

Impact on Smedema’s Life:

Smedema claims that Demmink’s actions had a devastating impact on his life, leading to financial ruin, social isolation, and severe psychological trauma [8, 26-28]. He argues that Demmink’s machinations directly contributed to his inability to work, his forced exile in Spain, and his failed attempts to seek asylum in the United States [8, 29-31].

It’s crucial to remember that all of this information is based on Smedema’s personal accounts and interpretations, and lacks independent verification. While Smedema presents a compelling and detailed narrative, it remains his perspective on events.

Smedema’s allegations, if true, paint a disturbing picture of corruption and abuse of power within the Dutch justice system. His case highlights the potential for individuals in positions of authority to exploit their influence for personal gain, with devastating consequences for those who challenge them.

Jaap Duijs’s Actions Against Hans Smedema During Smedema’s Time as CEO of IHN

As CEO of IHN Leeuwarden (part of IHN Holding), Hans Smedema alleges that Jaap Duijs engaged in several actions to sabotage his work and reputation. These actions, according to Smedema, were part of a larger conspiracy orchestrated by Joris Demmink and facilitated by Smedema’s brother, Johan Smedema, to silence him and protect the Dutch Royal Family and other high-ranking officials. [1-15] Here’s a breakdown from the sources:

  • Planting a Listening Device: Duijs allegedly planted a microphone on Smedema’s desk at IHN to monitor his conversations and activities. [15] This microphone was allegedly connected to Telecom central and to Duijs’s home. [15] Tender/offer prices discussed by Smedema were allegedly relayed to a competing company in The Hague, which would then underbid IHN. [15, 16]
  • Blocking Police Investigation: When the listening device was discovered, Duijs and the Ministry of (In)Justice allegedly blocked police detectives from investigating. [15] This interference is presented as evidence of a cover-up and abuse of power. [15] Smedema offered IHN up to 2 million from potential compensation if they would help expose the conspiracy against him, but they allegedly refused due to fear of reprisal from the Justice Department. [17]
  • Spreading Negative Information and Sabotage: Duijs also allegedly engaged in “black-mouthing” Smedema to damage his reputation within the company and to external contacts. [15, 18] Smedema claims Duijs would influence him via mind control, contributing to workplace problems and harming his performance, eventually leading to his dismissal. [16] This negative campaigning is described as part of the larger effort to thwart Smedema’s professional life. [2, 9, 14]
  • Exploiting Smedema’s Wife: Smedema alleges that his wife was drugged, manipulated, and used as a tool by Duijs to control and further sabotage him. [4, 10, 14, 18-21] This exploitation is cited as another tactic to destabilize Smedema’s career and personal life. [1, 14, 22]

It is important to note that these are allegations made by Hans Smedema on his blog. The sources provided consist entirely of excerpts from this blog and do not include independent corroboration of his claims.

Jaap Duijs Actions

The original passage details Jaap Duijs’s alleged actions against Hans Smedema. The source material provides several chilling details that amplify the sinister nature of these actions and connect them directly to the larger alleged conspiracy:

  • Joris Demmink’s Direct Involvement: Smedema’s sources go beyond claiming Duijs was simply an appointee of Demmink. They allege that Duijs was specifically chosen because he was a “regular customer” of Smedema’s wife since 1972, implying a pre-existing exploitative relationship that Demmink could leverage. This paints Duijs as a key player in the alleged conspiracy from its inception, not just a later addition.
  • Source: “Psychopath French teacher secretly appointed and protected by corrupt Secretary-General of Justice Joris Demmink, as a secret Justice Official destroyed the lives of victims for decades! – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Source: “Timeline Crucial Criminal Events! – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Duijs as “Cordon Sanitaire” Architect: The sources reveal that Duijs’s alleged actions were central to the “Cordon Sanitaire” Smedema describes. Duijs’s alleged “micromanagement” is presented as a calculated effort to isolate Smedema and control his every move, going far beyond mere workplace sabotage. Smedema claims that Duijs, using his position and knowledge of the conspiracy, intercepted crucial communications, manipulated events to Smedema’s detriment, and even used mind control techniques to ensure his compliance.
  • Source: “The “Dutch Watergate”: One Man’s Fight Against a Corrupt System – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Source: “How could serial rapist Joris Demmink manipulate Justice and the Crown since 1972, even become Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice and thus deceive me and the entire Dutch state for 40 years? – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Financial Motivation and Impunity: Smedema’s sources allege that Duijs received substantial financial benefits for his role in the alleged conspiracy, including a free villa, a monthly allowance, and access to confiscated drugs. This alleged financial motivation adds a layer of corruption to Duijs’s alleged actions, suggesting he was not just a pawn but a willing participant who profited from Smedema’s downfall. Smedema further claims that Duijs, through Demmink’s protection, enjoyed impunity for his alleged sexual assaults against numerous underage girls, highlighting the systemic corruption that allegedly enabled these abuses.
  • Source: “The Monster of Drachten! Top criminal member of Omerta organization! – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Source: “Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972! – Hans Smedema Affair”

These points from Smedema’s blog emphasize the calculated and insidious nature of Duijs’s alleged actions, framing them not just as personal attacks, but as part of a larger, well-funded, and ruthlessly executed conspiracy designed to silence Smedema and protect powerful figures within the Dutch government.

The original passage focuses on Jaap Duijs’s alleged actions against Hans Smedema during Smedema’s time as CEO of IHN. The source material offers a broader context of Smedema’s claims of a vast conspiracy, but we can also find specific details to bolster the points in the original passage. Here are a few:

  • Duijs’s Role as “Secret Justice Official”: Smedema’s sources repeatedly claim that Duijs was not merely a troublesome neighbor, but an agent of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, appointed by Joris Demmink himself. This claim adds weight to Smedema’s allegation that the “Blocking Police Investigation” was orchestrated by the Ministry, with Duijs as their operative.
  • Source: “Psychopath French teacher secretly appointed and protected by corrupt Secretary-General of Justice Joris Demmink, as a secret Justice Official destroyed the lives of victims for decades! – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Source: “Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972! – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Micromanagement and the Cordon Sanitaire: The sources provide specific examples of Duijs’s alleged micromanagement that extend beyond the workplace sabotage described in the original passage. These examples, like swapping Smedema’s passport, sabotaging his clothes, and intercepting his mail, illustrate the pervasive “Cordon Sanitaire” Smedema claims was erected to isolate and control him. This adds a chilling layer to the “Spreading Negative Information and Sabotage” point.
  • Source: “The “Dutch Watergate”: One Man’s Fight Against a Corrupt System – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Source: “The Monster of Drachten! Top criminal member of Omerta organization! – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Exploitation of Smedema’s Wife: While the original passage mentions the alleged drugging and manipulation of Smedema’s wife, the sources go further, suggesting she was actively involved in the conspiracy. Smedema claims she was directed by Duijs to destroy evidence and even secretly administer drugs. This casts a darker light on the “Exploiting Smedema’s Wife” point, turning her from a passive victim into a participant in her husband’s downfall.
  • Source: “The “Dutch Watergate”: One Man’s Fight Against a Corrupt System – Hans Smedema Affair”
  • Source: “Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave! – Hans Smedema Affair”

These additions from the source material, while still only Smedema’s allegations, make the picture of Duijs’s actions more sinister and complex, framing them within a larger alleged conspiracy.


Evaluating the Credibility of Smedema’s Accusations

Assessing the credibility of Hans Smedema’s accusations requires careful consideration of the available evidence, potential biases, and the overall context surrounding his claims.

Challenges in Evaluating Credibility:

  • Sole Reliance on Smedema’s Blog: The sources provided consist exclusively of Smedema’s blog posts, which inherently present his personal perspective and interpretations of events. While he offers extensive details and documentation, the lack of independent verification poses a significant challenge in evaluating the objectivity and accuracy of his claims. [1-5]
  • Absence of External Corroboration: The sources do not provide any evidence from official investigations, legal documents, or testimonies from individuals other than Smedema himself. This absence of external corroboration makes it difficult to assess the validity of his allegations. [6, 7]
  • Potential for Bias: Smedema’s deep personal investment in his narrative, coupled with his expressed feelings of betrayal and anger towards those he accuses, raises concerns about potential bias. His strong emotions could color his recollections and interpretations of events. [8-14]

Factors Supporting Smedema’s Claims:

  • Detailed and Consistent Narrative: Smedema presents a remarkably detailed and internally consistent narrative across multiple blog posts, spanning decades. He provides specific dates, locations, names, and events, weaving together a complex story that, on the surface, appears well-structured and coherent. [15-18]
  • Alleged American Confirmation: Smedema repeatedly asserts that American authorities, including the FBI and CIA, conducted investigations during his asylum requests and found evidence supporting his claims of a conspiracy and the non-paternity of his children. He suggests that this information was suppressed to protect the Dutch Crown. [4, 7, 19-21]
  • Internal Logic and Plausibility: While extraordinary, Smedema’s claims possess a degree of internal logic and plausibility when considered within the framework he constructs. He connects seemingly disparate events and individuals, creating a narrative that, to him, explains the alleged injustices he has faced. [2, 22-24]

Factors Undermining Smedema’s Credibility:

  • Lack of Tangible Evidence: Despite his detailed accounts, Smedema fails to provide tangible evidence to support his accusations. He refers to documents, photographs, and testimonies that could corroborate his claims but does not make them publicly available. [15, 25-27] (Not true, they can be downloaded!)
  • Conspiracy-Focused Mindset: Smedema’s unwavering belief in a vast conspiracy permeates his narrative, potentially leading him to interpret coincidences or unrelated events as evidence of orchestrated actions against him. [6, 23, 28, 29]
  • Contradictions and Inconsistencies: While generally consistent, Smedema’s blog posts contain some contradictions and inconsistencies. For example, he claims that no complaints have been received about his blog, yet he also details legal proceedings stemming from his accusations. [6, 10] (No direct complaints on the Blog, they all bypass this blog and file charges directly with Police or Amazon and Cloudflare.)


Based on the available sources, it is difficult to definitively evaluate the credibility of Smedema’s accusations. The absence of independent verification and the potential for bias cast a shadow of doubt on his claims. However, his detailed and internally consistent narrative, combined with his assertions of American confirmation, cannot be easily dismissed. A thorough and impartial investigation, including the examination of evidence Smedema claims to possess, would be necessary to determine the validity of his accusations.

Google NotebookLM Insights

Hans: Although the American FBI/CIA did investigate in 2009 during my first Asylum-only request, and also later, and that large top-level independent(!) investigative-report is used for an official complaint at UNCAT or UNHRC Special procedure State America vs. State of the Netherlands! Which is not public, only the outcome is public! Trying to get it through the American Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) but a lot is classified because of the involvement of 3 generations of cowardly hiding Dutch Royals!

based on the sources in the Blog with documents(!) and Ebooks by,

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile, surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain




Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
