Asylum case Court BTC

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Asylum case Court BTC

My Asylum Court session in Broward Transitional Center (BTC) Pompano Beach Florida, USA needs some more strategic explaining.

I arrived at Miami Airport and after a sworn statement was detained in BTC for 6,5 months before being deported back to Netherlands because of lack of proof Dutch Government involved, although I came from Spain where I lived and had an official Residence document.

At the first court-session  again a sworn statement about everything being the full truth and nothing but the truth. At the second court-session a lot of relevant questions about what happened to me with 3 people watching the session in the back of the court who were not introduced like the others were.

During that session I stated something close to:

‘Lets keep this as simple and easy as possible. Saving everybody a lot of time and costs. There are three(!) victims in this unbelievable horror case, Hans Smedema, his wife and American Al Rust who was an Military Intelligence man working around Chicago, probably Langley where CIA also has offices.

After innocent being sentenced and dismissed from his job, after 10 years he won his appeal with the SECRET FILES of Hans Smedema and his wife!

There are a lot of people in America who have knowledge about these facts:

  1. Baker Brothers in Stoughton who started the court-case,
  2. Military intelligence officials and mangers of Al Rust,
  3. Judges in the base court-case and
  4. Judges in the appeal-case who saw the SECRET FILES about Hans Smedema and his defenseless wife.
  5. Al had a lot of contacts with CIA officials who also must know a lot!
  6. Also his wife and daughter Zoicite know everything about this case of Hans Smedema. Zoicite specially came to Netherlands to visit Hans Smedema around 1998/99!
  7. His Family in Harlingen Texas who had to help him and his family after having to sell their house(innocently having to pay damages to Baker Brothers!) near Chicago also know a lot.
  8. Former Ambassador Paul Bremer who was asked to check the story of Al Rust by talking to Hans Smedema.
  9. Several people from the ‘criminal Dutch organisation Mengele’. as Hans named this conspiracy group in the Netherlands among which Judges, Lawyers, Officials from Justice Department, High Level Politicians, Family members and Physicians. Most betrayed by a few Family members who are the brains behind this crime of the century.

So in America is a lot of proof and evidence about this Asylum case of Hans Smedema being right en the full truth.

So America has two choices:

  1. It opens its files for Hans Smedema and gives him based on that overwhelming information Asylum. Human Rights were set aside.
  2. Or America follows the request of the Netherlands to help them with keeping this conspiracy covered-up as Paul Bremer warned me.

During the following 5 months nothing happened that changed these two possibilities. In my files is enough proof the Dutch refuse to investigate these unbelievable crimes against unknowing victims. But real proof they do this on purpose or documents stating that, is impossible at the moment. Which is always the case with conspiracies from Governments. The conspiracy has been set up with that purpose.

Investigation results FBI/CIA confirm my case!

But the treatment I received in Broward Transitional Center BTC made sure I could never get to my own files in my luggage, but Judge Rex J. Ford was sympathetic to my case and ordered the FBI and CIA to check on a lot of the events I mentioned. But the food was good and with the palm trees it looked like a Hotel without the pool.

And he could confirm that I was right on all checked cases. Specific that the 3 children were not mine but from 3 different fathers among which Rieks P. turned out to be the father of Jorrit.  I only lost 7 months of my life, but after I remember more and more it was worth it!!! He even had my memory loss checked what I explain later in detail and in my ebooks. See my later Post…

Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

But I could get nothing in writing and nothing about all the proof already told in my I-589 official Asylum request. And there was not  enough hard evidence that the Dutch Government was behind it, which is necessary for asylum. So I was deported back to the Netherlands.

And even worse, now in the Netherlands they assume, my case is to weak or delusional. Making my life and that of my wife a living hell. I can only life in Spain for the moment leaving my defenseless wife behind, while she needs help urgently!

The treatment I got was ‘not to normal American values’ because of the fact the Dutch Royals were involved. Normally I would have gotten asylum almost instantly Judge Rex Ford told me! I should come back asap when more evidence comes out or more problems! I should try Canada or Mexico to get into America, what I did later in 2013.

I came for help and didn’t need money, I brought money, a bestseller and movie. Also we could at last give the American people the information about the scrupulous treatment Military Intelligence Major Al Rust got from the Dutch. Also I offered high rewards for anybody helping me and my wife, and offered money to Al Rust and his wife and child Zoicite.

I leave out more for a later Asylum request so my enemies don’t get to much information.

More later…

Hans Smedema, Parcent, Spain  Copyright 2010 Hans Smedema