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Herhaald Inzage Verzoek AIVD Onwettelijk Geblokkeerd!

Herhaald Inzage Verzoek AIVD Onwettelijk Geblokkeerd! Mijn standaard inzage verzoek over het enorme dossier van Hans Smedema bij de Nederlandse Geheime Dienst AIVD van 2 Juli 2024, wat normaal wettelijk ...
/ Hans Smedema

Vaste Kamercommissie voor Justitie & Hans Smedema Affair!

Vaste Kamercommissie voor Justitie & Hans Smedema Affair! Op maandag 6 Jan 2025 zond ik onderstaand bericht naar de Vaste Kamercommissie voor Justitie en Veiligheid met verzoek om eindelijk een ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema Allegations: Manipulation, Exploitation, and Paternity Deception

Smedema Allegations: Manipulation, Exploitation, and Paternity Deception Based on Hans Smedema's allegations presented in the sources, Jan van Beek's alleged success in fathering Ilse Smedema was a result of ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema: Allegations of International Obstruction to Justice

Smedema: Allegations of International Obstruction to Justice Hans Smedema alleges that several actions taken abroad, either by the Dutch government exerting its influence internationally or by the complicity of ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: Refusal of Royal Pardon

Hans Smedema: Refusal of Royal Pardon Based on the sources and our conversation history, Hans Smedema refused to request a royal pardon for several significant and deeply rooted reasons ...
/ Hans Smedema

Blind to Justice: Smedema and Dutch Systemic Failures

Blind to Justice: Smedema and Dutch Systemic Failures In order to analyze the "Blind voor Mens en Recht" (Blind to People and Justice) report [1] in relation to the Hans ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema vs. The Dutch Government: A Conspiracy Allegation

Hans Smedema vs. The Dutch Government: A Conspiracy Allegation Hans Smedema's narrative poses a significant challenge to the integrity and accountability mechanisms of the Dutch government, alleging a complex, ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema: Alleged FBI/CIA Validation of Asylum Claims

Smedema: Alleged FBI/CIA Validation of Asylum Claims Smedema alleges that American authorities validated his claims through investigations conducted by the FBI and CIA during his asylum requests [1-4]. He ...
/ Hans Smedema

Analyse Nederlandse Ombudsman ‘Behoorlijkheidswijzer’ op mijn totale Hans Smedema Affair!

Analyse Nederlandse Ombudsman 'Behoorlijkheidswijzer' op mijn totale Hans Smedema Affair! De zaak van Hans Smedema, bezien door de lens van de Nederlandse 'Behoorlijkheidswijzer', onthult significante tekortkomingen binnen het Nederlandse ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema Case: Allegations of Impropriety in the Dutch System

Smedema Case: Allegations of Impropriety in the Dutch System While the provided sources do not directly reference the Dutch 'Behoorlijkheidswijzer,' they offer substantial information that, when combined with our ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: Allegations of Obstructed Justice by the Dutch Government

Hans Smedema: Allegations of Obstructed Justice by the Dutch Government Hans Smedema's pursuit of justice has been thwarted through a number of alleged actions by the Dutch government, both within ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema vs. AIVD: Allegations of Conspiracy and Cover-Up

Smedema vs. AIVD: Allegations of Conspiracy and Cover-Up Hans Smedema's distrust of the Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD), the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service, stems from his belief that ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: Allegations of Electroshock Therapy and Mind Control

Hans Smedema: Allegations of Electroshock Therapy and Mind Control Hans Smedema alleges that electroshock therapy, which he characterizes as torture, has had a multitude of devastating impacts on his life, ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema’s Allegations: Demmink, Obama, and UNCAT Complaint

Smedema's Allegations: Demmink, Obama, and UNCAT Complaint Several sources discuss Hans Smedema's attempts to file complaints with international bodies and the alleged obstruction he faced. It appears strategic to address ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema vs. The Netherlands: Alleged UNCAT Violations

Smedema vs. The Netherlands: Alleged UNCAT Violations Hans Smedema alleges that the Dutch government has violated multiple obligations under the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT). These alleged violations form the ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: Alleged Deprivation of Rights and Control

Hans Smedema: Alleged Deprivation of Rights and Control Hans Smedema asserts that several events indicate a secret deprivation of his civil rights around the end of 1972 or the beginning ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema’s Allegations Against Johan Smedema and the “Omerta Organization”

Hans Smedema's Allegations Against Johan Smedema and the "Omerta Organization" Hans Smedema alleges that his brother, Johan Smedema, played a central role as the initial leader and architect of the ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: Allegations of Control and Isolation

Hans Smedema: Allegations of Control and Isolation Hans Smedema alleges that he was systematically isolated and controlled through a multifaceted campaign involving psychological manipulation, medical interventions, legal obstruction, and social ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: Alleged Medical Conspiracy and Abuse

Hans Smedema: Alleged Medical Conspiracy and Abuse Hans Smedema alleges a pattern of medical abuse as part of a broader conspiracy to silence him and discredit his claims against the ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema vs. Van der Hart: Allegations of Medical Abuse

Smedema vs. Van der Hart: Allegations of Medical Abuse Hans Smedema accuses Professor Dr. Onno van der Hart, a traumatologist, of playing a significant role in the alleged conspiracy against ...
/ Hans Smedema

Nederlandse Justitie weigert sluw en corrupt de EU wetten uit te voeren!

Nederlandse Justitie weigert sluw en corrupt de EU wetten uit te voeren! Op 4 februari 2025 blokkeerde Justitie(zie onder) uit naam hoogstwaarschijnlijk argeloze Minister David van Weel, alweer (24 ...
/ Hans Smedema

What specific UNCAT violations are alleged against the Netherlands?

What specific UNCAT violations are alleged against the Netherlands? Hans Smedema alleges that the Dutch government has violated the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) in several ways. He argues that ...
/ Hans Smedema

What is the role of the Dutch Royals in the suffering of Hans Smedema?

What is the role of the Dutch Royals in the suffering of Hans Smedema? Hans Smedema alleges that the Dutch Royal Family is complicit in a decades-long conspiracy to silence ...
/ Hans Smedema

How does Smedema characterize the Landsadvocaat’s behavior?

How does Smedema characterize the Landsadvocaat's behavior? Smedema's characterization of the Landsadvocaat's behavior is complex, alleging that the Landsadvocaat is hindering the resolution of his case and potentially complicit in ...
/ Hans Smedema

El caso Mazan y el proceso Pelicot se parecen a mi horroroso caso Hans Smedema, que duró décadas.

El caso Mazan y el proceso Pelicot se parecen a mi horroroso caso Hans Smedema, que duró décadas. Original English ¡Es sorprendente lo mucho que este "caso Mazan" y ...
/ Hans Smedema

L’affaire Mazan et le procès Pelicot ressemblent à mon horrible et longue histoire, celle de Hans Smedema!

L'affaire Mazan et le procès Pelicot ressemblent à mon horrible et longue histoire, celle de Hans Smedema! Original English « affaire Mazan » et le « procès Pelicot » actuel ...
/ Hans Smedema

Schendingen van de Nederlandse Grondwet in de Hans Smedema Affair!

Schendingen van de Nederlandse Grondwet in de Hans Smedema Affair! Originele English Post De Hans Smedema-affaire, hoewel gehuld in enig mysterie, roept mogelijke zorgen op over schendingen van de ...
/ Hans Smedema

Violations of the Dutch Constitution in the Hans Smedema Affair

Violations of the Dutch Constitution in the Hans Smedema Affair Dutch version The Hans Smedema Affair, while shrouded in some mystery, raises potential concerns regarding violations of the Dutch ...
/ Hans Smedema

Landsadvocaat Reimer Willem Veldhuis van Pels Rijcken in Zwaar Paradoxaal Dilemma!

Landsadvocaat Reimer Willem Veldhuis van Pels Rijcken in Zwaar Paradoxaal Dilemma! Kwaadaardig, want onverschillig tegenover gigantisch tientallen jarenlang onrecht sinds 1972(!), negeert Politiek Minister David van Weel op advies ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: A Relentless Pursuit of Justice and Truth

Hans Smedema: A Relentless Pursuit of Justice and Truth Hans Smedema's relentless pursuit of justice is fueled by a combination of factors, all stemming from his belief that he ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: NotebookLM for Justice and Validation

Hans Smedema: NotebookLM for Justice and Validation Hans Smedema has used Google's NotebookLM as a tool for justice and personal validation, particularly because he feels the Dutch legal system is ...
/ Hans Smedema

Landsadvocaat Pels Rijcken zond zeer correct mijn verzoek door naar Minister Justitie!

Landsadvocaat Pels Rijcken zond zeer correct mijn verzoek door naar Minister Justitie! Zie mijn posts met emails aan Pels Rijcken Arbitrage met verzoek om Juridische bijstand: De volgende Post ...
/ Hans Smedema

Voorstel Geert Wilders: Snel Schikken Hans Smedema Affair!

Voorstel Geert Wilders: Snel Schikken Hans Smedema Affair! Mijn email aan Geert Wilders Jan 6, 2025 Geachte heer Wilders, beste Geert, Wow, wie had dit kunnen voorspellen allemaal. PVV ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema’s Allegations: International Ramifications

Smedema's Allegations: International Ramifications Smedema's allegations raise significant international implications, spanning legal, political, and ethical dimensions, and potentially impacting the Netherlands' relationships with other countries and international organizations [1-4]. 1 ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema’s Legal Battles: A Multifaceted Strategy

Smedema's Legal Battles: A Multifaceted Strategy Smedema employed a multifaceted legal strategy, combining domestic and international actions, to expose what he believed was a vast conspiracy against him [1, 2] ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema Family Conspiracy Allegations

Smedema Family Conspiracy Allegations Hans Smedema alleges that his family played a significant role in the conspiracy against him, with various members participating in different ways to maintain the cover-up ...
/ Hans Smedema

The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up

The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up Paul Schuh, along with his wife Ans, is portrayed as a friend of Hans Smedema who had knowledge of crucial information regarding Smedema's wife, ...
/ Hans Smedema

The Grobben-Smedema Case: Abuse, Manipulation, and Conspiracy

The Grobben-Smedema Case: Abuse, Manipulation, and Conspiracy Tiny Grobben and Wies Smedema were colleagues in Utrecht. In 1972, Tiny went with Wies to visit Jan van Beek in Utrecht, ...
/ Hans Smedema

The Smedema Affair: Grobben and Timmermans’ Roles

The Smedema Affair: Grobben and Timmermans' Roles According to the sources, Tiny Grobben and Arie Timmermans are connected to Hans Smedema's case through their relationship with his wife, Wies Smedema ...
/ Hans Smedema

Cloudflare AI Audit Hans Smedema Affair Results

Cloudflare AI Audit Hans Smedema Affair Results Just took a subscription to the top level Cloudflare security and optimization organisation. I already had the free program. Cloudflare is an amazing ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema Case: Corroboration, Investigation, and Accountability

Smedema Case: Corroboration, Investigation, and Accountability The user's compliment, "Compliments! Top-level reasoning!" is acknowledged, and this response will provide a long, detailed elaboration on the previous analysis, incorporating information from ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema’s Allegations of Absurd Dutch Obstruction of Justice!

Smedema's Allegations of Absurd Dutch Obstruction of Justice! Smedema's narrative portrays a complex and disturbing picture of alleged obstruction by the Dutch Ministry of Justice, a key element of his ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema’s Allegations: Legal and Political Ramifications in the Netherlands

Smedema's Allegations: Legal and Political Ramifications in the Netherlands Smedema's allegations against the Dutch government, if proven true, could lead to significant legal and political ramifications [1, 2]. These ramifications ...
/ Hans Smedema

Smedema’s Asylum Case: Judge Ford and Alleged Dutch Interference

Smedema's Asylum Case: Judge Ford and Alleged Dutch Interference Judge Rex J. Ford, an Immigration Judge in Miami, played a crucial role in Hans Smedema's pursuit of asylum in the ...
/ Hans Smedema

Medische fouten en beroepsovertredingen in Spanje: een casestudy van medicijnvervanging

Medische fouten en beroepsovertredingen in Spanje: een casestudy van medicijnvervanging Dit artikel onderzoekt mogelijke professionele schendingen binnen het Spaanse medische systeem met betrekking tot de vermeende vervanging van een voorgeschreven ...
/ Hans Smedema

Mala praxis médica y faltas profesionales en España: un estudio de caso sobre la sustitución de medicamentos

Mala praxis médica y faltas profesionales en España: un estudio de caso sobre la sustitución de medicamentos En este artículo se examinan las posibles violaciones profesionales en el sistema sanitario ...
/ Hans Smedema

Medical Malpractice and Professional Violations in Spain: A Case Study of Medication Substitution

Medical Malpractice and Professional Violations in Spain: A Case Study of Medication Substitution This article examines potential professional violations within the Spanish medical system concerning the alleged substitution of a ...
/ Hans Smedema

Gemini AI about Pels Rijcken taking on the Hans Smedema Affair!

Gemini AI about Pels Rijcken taking on the Hans Smedema Affair! You're raising an important point about the complexities of your case, the Hans Smedema Affair. It appears you've been ...
/ Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema: Kafkaësk gevangen in absurde paradox!

Hans Smedema: Kafkaësk gevangen in absurde paradox! Smedema benadrukt herhaaldelijk de absurditeit van het feit dat hem als slachtoffer wordt opgedragen bewijs te leveren van fraude binnen Justitie/AIVD, terwijl het ...
/ Hans Smedema

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