Travel to Harlingen TX

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 27/08/2007 published 27/08/2007 by Hans Smedema

For the honest and ethical Americans wanting to help end this unbelievable crime and Dutch Watergate.

I found a lot of information on a Medrano Family and their daughter Erica who went for Rotary Youth Exchange to my town Drachten in the Netherlands. So I must be able to find her in Harlingen Texas. So I will ask around.

I also found out that Erica used the name Zoicite on the internet and did sent a postcard to a friend she would be staying at a family Borg in Drachten. So I thought she could be the daughter of this captain, later major Rust I am searching for.

I booked a flight with Continental to Harlingen Texas and arrived late on September 5 th. Left on 11th. Stayed at the ‘La Quinta Inn, Harlingen and rented a car.I did hope to meet someone of the Medrano or Rust family for the research of my book ‘Fighting the Unknown’ with more information on the same website and Blog.

Did sent a letter to the old PO box, Mayor mr. Boswell of Harlingen and Rotary Harlingen Chairman Glenn Hill, asking to contact me at the Hotel and try to help me find this brave and badly mistreated family.

But no answers were received. An e-mail for help at the Dallas Morning News was never answered. Two mails to lawyer Jason Drangel New York, with whom I did a case years ago, gave the answer he was not able to help me. Not even with finding out who was the lawyer that helped mr Al Rust against Baker Bros in 1987. Easy for any lawyer. Why is unknown.

My investigation turned out that this Erica Medrano was just another girl who was asked to try to talk to me, but didn’t dare to in 1996/97. She did make pictures of my house and Rust told me, I did well with a house so nice. Erica and her father and mother told me they didn’t know any Rust or even an Zoi, or Zoicite. But when I told her I had a postcard with her handwriting and the name Zoicite on it, she confessed using that name, but not knowing anybody with that name. Why they don’t dare to tell the truth, is unknown by me. She must have used the name of the daughter of Rust. They were on the same school in Harlingen Texas.

What on earth is wrong with knowing this family Rust? The fact he saw a secret file from the Dutch? Who betray there own people and specially my poor family? What is wrong with the fact Zoi did want to go to the Netherlands to talk to me about not helping her dad? What is wrong with her father trying to help me get medical help with a trauma I didn’t know of yet, but which caused our lives to be completely destroyed? The information in those files were all a complete fraud, I now know. Disgusting behavior by the Dutch government. Rust and his family, And Zoi are American heroes! They should get a medal (from the honest part of the Dutch people) and paid damages by the scrupulous Dutch government.

I know now Zoi did come to the Netherlands in 1998/99 when I was chairman of Rotary Leeuwarden-Zuid (south). She talked to me, but the conversation went wrong again because of my amnesia and suppression. So there were two (!) girls coming.

I know they lived and owned a house in a small community Rangerville, west of Harlingen. Zoi went to the Milan elementary school and later Harlingen High school South. I think Rust worked with Sears there and they left around 1996. Not know to which town yet.

It looks as if the same ‘silencing to death’ as I receive in the Netherlands, is now underway in the USA. Why? The Dutch maybe asked the USA not to help me blow up the cruel conspiracy against me and my poor and very unhappy wife?

So I spent 2500 US$ for this trip, paid a private investigator Joseph Hildreth form Mc Allen 500 US$ to track down Rust, but to no avail. But being there made me remember a lot more. And I am glad to have seen where the lived and worked. I will go there again, as I forgot an important visit which I remembered on the plane back. I was minutes from success! So close, but with severe Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, you don’t think straight. Thats why victims must not have to solve their own crimes. But the disgusting Dutch government want precisely that to happen of course! The more I get traumatized the less chance it will be solved and come into the news.

More later…

Hans Smedema