Current status august 30

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 30/08/2007 published 30/08/2007 by Hans Smedema

To wrap it up a bit:

  • I am without a state. I still have a Dutch passport, but no real full rights anymore.
  • Never has the Police helped me or us in this case. Once when my radio was stolen, they did however. Thanks! cowards.
  • Never has the Justice department ever talked to me of us about these bizarre crimes. So they cover it all up betraying the Dutch people. Thanks idiots!
  • Never has one of the media ever published or even talked to us. Only head editor Rimmer Mulder talked for two hours with me, but would not publish my story trying to help out. Lots of witnesses would have come out with the truth then. They are protecting the politicians who where responsible. Thanks cowards!
  • Never has one politician talked to me and told me what is really happening. Despite several letters to all leaders of the parties and to the ‘commission for Justice’ (who are involved and know!) nobody ever has done the right thing and talked to me and or told the truth. Being they took away my legal rights without telling me.
  • Mr. Cust (or close to that name) was left to be fired without honor and have several bad years, while the Dutch could have easily told the truth. He was right and the ONLY one ever really helping me in those years. Disgusting and scrupulous behavior by the Dutch government.
  • Hundreds of lawyers (including the best!) refuse to help me with all kinds of reasons. Most being ‘no time’! Or they ‘Only help perpetrators’, never victims! So the Human Rights don’t exist for me in the Netherlands. And this is a legal crime and conspiracy, so can only be solved by legal people. The perfect crime of the century I think. The Dutch Watergate. So I will only be able to get legal help outside the Netherlands. And probably only when asking protection or political asylum. Maybe only when becoming American?
  • Mr. Cust (from the 97th General Hospital Germany Frankfurt) is not allowed to tell me the truth because the Dutch see that as using secret information from their hidden and quickly deleted files about the crimes against us. They see them not as crimes of course. They have signed documents making all what happened legal! So in fact the Dutch make sure that foreigners are not able to help Dutch fighting and aware of crimes against them! Disgusting behavior. This can only happen in the Netherlands and with unethical leaders like now Prime Minister JanPeter Balkenende and other Ministers, during 30 years making this possible and keeping the information about it hidden for the poor Dutch people.
  • Not one psychiatrist is willing to help my poor wife with her multiple personality and the big problems in my poor doomed family. Instead when those retards are asked by me, they declare me insane and want me to be forced to get treatment and forced to take chemicals/poison they call medicine. In the Netherlands it is impossible for me to get medical help for me and my wife. Myself having PTSS of course. And they want to treat me for paranoia!
  • The European Court for Human Rights ( done without legal help!) didn’t give details when they told me I was not right with my story. So I am unaware what the scrupulous Dutch government told them. But I guess they showed them legal documents proving I/we gave them the right to take away normal rights. But will not have told them my wife was raped by two men with witnesses and they stopped the investigation to cover up crimes against us and their own big faults. ‘The lying Dutchmen’. Maybe they told them I am insane? 6 psychiatrist have declared me so. What was told to them? Why hiding that information? Why the cover up? Why hide all this for the Dutch public?
  • So all options here in the Netherlands are gone by now. What is left? Moving to another country and ask for help. Legal help and medical help. Mostly for my poor wife. But how to get her there when she thinks I am insane?
  • Under the current circumstances I will not stay Dutch. But legally that will be a problem maybe.
  • I want to publish my autobiography as soon as possible but get no help over here. Even stronger I think they will not allow me to. Why would they do all this cover up when I publish the truth? They must have a document making it impossible for me to publish. And when they take possession of my manuscript, being without legal help, I will never be able to publish it again. So I must go to another ‘honest’ country first. Now it still is a diary! They will not try to take possession of it.
  • When I am able to proof what happened to mr Cust and his family, and/or Zoi, that will be proof my story is true also.
  • In another country we will be able to proof that the DNA tests were falsified by the Dutch government, and the children are not mine.
  • In another country I will be able to proof I was secretly made infertile in 1972. And that this information was kept from us. It will proof that the Dutch government was falsifying a MRI scan report!
  • And I will be able to get legal assistance.

More later…

Hans Smedema Copyright 2007 Hans Smedema Drachten Netherlands.