The Hans Smedema Affair: A Story of Betrayal, Conspiracy, and the Fight for Justice

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The Hans Smedema Affair: A Story of Betrayal, Conspiracy, and the Fight for Justice

Hans Smedema in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain

“This is the story of Hans Smedema, a Dutch man who claims he has been the victim of a decades-long conspiracy orchestrated by the Dutch government. Smedema alleges that this conspiracy involves high-ranking officials, including the Royal family, and has led to false accusations, unfair trials, forced medical interventions, and the obstruction of his attempts to seek asylum in the United States. This website is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the Hans Smedema Affair and seeking justice for Hans.”

Bing Search gives the best results about Hans Smedema!


The whole case is about Chemical-Submission and Mind-Control of victim Hans Smedema by his own wife herself submissive to rapists who drugged and tortured her into severe dissociation(DIS). All without warning or informing unaware victim Hans Smedema! So ‘De Facto’ I married my enemy. Unique case!

The Ketamine Conspiracy: Hans Smedema’s Testimony

Nederlandse Google translate versie:

De zaak Hans Smedema: een verhaal over verraad, samenzwering en de strijd voor rechtvaardigheid

For the more detailed old home page see:

The “Dutch Watergate”: One Man’s Fight Against a Corrupt System

Most recent article – meest recente artikel:

Audio Video 15 minutes Summary!

Smedema’s Life: Derailed by an Alleged Conspiracy

Legal tactfulness ©Steve Geshwister
Legal tactfulness ©Steve Geshwister.

Hans Smedema claims his life has been profoundly and negatively affected by an alleged conspiracy involving the Dutch government and the Royal family. His narrative paints a picture of a man stripped of his rights, betrayed by those he trusted, and forced to live in exile while relentlessly seeking justice. The sources provided, primarily excerpts from his personal blog, detail Smedema’s perspective on this alleged conspiracy and its impact on his life.

The Conspiracy’s Genesis and Smedema’s Alleged Statelessness:

The alleged conspiracy, according to Smedema, originated in 1972 to protect a high-ranking official within the Ministry of Justice, whom he refers to as a “rapist-traitor,” later identified as Joris Demmink. Smedema accuses Demmink of sexually assaulting his then-girlfriend, later his wife, and orchestrating a cover-up with the complicity of the Dutch government, including the Royal family. Smedema believes that this conspiracy, through a secret decree issued by Queen Juliana around 1975, effectively rendered him “De Facto Stateless,” stripping him of his civil and human rights and placing him under government control without his knowledge or consent.

The Impact of the Alleged Conspiracy:

Loss of Trust and Betrayal:

  • Smedema describes feeling deeply betrayed by his family, some of whom he claims were involved in the conspiracy and actively worked against him. He alleges his brother, Johan Smedema, colluded with Demmink to cover up the crimes and manipulate events to Smedema’s detriment. His sense of betrayal extends to the Dutch government and the Royal family, who he believes have failed in their duty to protect him and have actively sought to silence him. This pervasive sense of betrayal has left him feeling isolated and alone in his fight for justice.

Financial Ruin:

  • Smedema claims the alleged conspiracy has caused him significant financial damage, including loss of income, legal fees, and expenses incurred due to being forced into exile in Spain. He states that the alleged interference of individuals like Drs. Jaap J. Duijs, whom he accuses of being an agent of the Dutch government, sabotaged his attempts to find work and rebuild his life. He also recounts being offered a 5 million euro buyout in exchange for his silence, which he refused, further highlighting the alleged financial manipulation he faced.

Physical and Psychological Trauma:

  • Smedema recounts a harrowing experience of alleged physical and psychological abuse. He claims to have been subjected to five assassination attempts, which he directly links to his efforts to expose the truth about the alleged conspiracy. He also alleges being drugged with antipsychotic medication, undergoing forced “brainwashing” sessions, and experiencing constant gaslighting designed to discredit him and portray him as mentally unstable. These alleged abuses have left him with deep psychological scars, exacerbating his feelings of vulnerability and distrust.

Loss of Freedom and Forced Exile:

  • Smedema feels that his freedom has been severely curtailed due to the alleged conspiracy. He describes being denied access to legal representation, being subjected to unfair trials where defense was not permitted, and having his attempts to file charges against his alleged abusers thwarted. He believes he was ultimately forced to flee the Netherlands and seek asylum in Spain to escape the constant threat of persecution. His exile has further isolated him, separating him from his home and support networks.

Relentless Pursuit of Justice:

  • Despite the immense personal cost, Smedema remains determined to expose the truth and obtain justice. He has dedicated years to meticulously documenting his experiences on his blog, publishing his legal defense statement in eBooks, and seeking redress through various international bodies, including the UN. His unwavering commitment to his cause speaks to the profound impact the alleged conspiracy has had on his life, driving him to fight for recognition and accountability.

Call to action

Smedema’s blog serves as a platform to voice his accusations and document his experiences, offering a glimpse into the psychological toll of living under the constant threat of an alleged powerful and invisible enemy. He uses his blog to connect with others, seeking validation and support while raising awareness about his case. So please share this ‘Perfect Crime’!

However, it’s crucial to remember that these are his personal claims and interpretations of events, which have not been independently verified inside the Netherlands.

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More detailed summary of the Case Investigation

Smedema’s Investigation Into His Alleged Persecution

Smedema has conducted an extensive investigation into his claims, gathering evidence and documenting his experiences in great detail on his websites and in his self-published book, “Fighting the Unknown”.

Smedema’s Approach

Smedema has taken a multi-faceted approach, combining personal investigation, legal action, and outreach to government agencies, human rights organizations, and the media.

  • Review of Personal Records: Smedema has meticulously reviewed his personal records, including medical records, court documents, and correspondence, in an attempt to piece together the timeline of events and identify evidence to support his claims. He cites specific dates, names, and locations to back up his allegations. For example, Smedema claims that his medical records contain evidence that he was sterilized without his consent and later secretly made fertile again [1]. He also cites specific dates and locations of police reports he filed, as well as the names of the officers who handled his case [2, 3].
  • Witness Interviews: Smedema has attempted to interview numerous individuals who he believes may have information about the alleged conspiracy, including family members, former neighbors, medical professionals, and government officials. However, he claims many of these individuals have been reluctant to speak with him or have denied any knowledge of the events in question. For instance, Smedema describes his efforts to interview his former neighbor, Anneke van ’t Hoog, through a private investigator to obtain information about the alleged circumstances surrounding the death of Anneke’s husband, Cees [4, 5]. He also details his attempts to interview his former girlfriend, Elise Boers, and her parents, who he believes were pressured to lie to investigators about their relationship [6].
  • Hiring Private Investigators: Smedema has hired at least two private detective firms, K2 Detectives and Paalman and de Roy van Zuydewijn Detective Consultations, to investigate his claims [4, 7]. The investigators conducted interviews with several witnesses, including Smedema’s brother-in-law, Tjitte de Jong, and his former neighbor, Anneke van ’t Hoog [4, 6]. However, both firms ultimately concluded they were unable to find evidence to support Smedema’s claims [8, 9].
  • FOIA Request: Smedema filed a FOIA request with the US government seeking records related to his asylum requests, as well as any investigations conducted by US authorities into his claims [10, 11]. As of October 22, 2024, the EOIR has acknowledged receipt of his request and split it into three separate requests for processing [12].

Obstacles and Challenges

Smedema has faced numerous obstacles in his investigation, which he attributes to the alleged cover-up by the Dutch government.

  • Lack of Cooperation from Authorities: Smedema claims that Dutch authorities, including the police, the Ministry of Justice, and the AIVD, have consistently refused to investigate his allegations or have actively obstructed his attempts to uncover the truth [2, 13-15]. He alleges that they have ignored his reports, denied him access to information, and pressured witnesses to remain silent [3, 16, 17].
  • Difficulty Securing Legal Representation: Smedema has struggled to obtain legal assistance in both the Netherlands and the United States [18-21]. He claims that lawyers have either refused to represent him or have withdrawn from his case after learning more about his claims [20, 22, 23]. Smedema believes that this is due to pressure from the Dutch government, which he alleges has used its influence to silence anyone who might help him [18, 24].
  • Disbelief and Dismissal: Smedema has encountered widespread disbelief and dismissal from family members, friends, and professionals, many of whom believe he is delusional or mentally ill [8, 25-27]. He attributes this to the effectiveness of the alleged cover-up, which he believes has successfully painted him as an unreliable narrator.

Smedema’s Assertions

Despite these challenges, Smedema remains determined to expose what he believes is a vast and sinister conspiracy against him.

  • Evidence of a Cover-up: Smedema points to several factors that he believes are evidence of a cover-up, including the lack of official investigations, the refusal of authorities to cooperate with his inquiries, and the difficulty he has faced in obtaining legal help [2, 13-15]. He also cites inconsistencies in witness statements and documents, which he believes are attempts to conceal the truth [5, 13, 28]. For example, he claims that the CTIVD’s written report about his complaint against the AIVD differed significantly from what they had told him verbally during a hearing [16].
  • High-Level Involvement: Smedema believes that high-ranking officials in the Dutch government, including possibly members of the Royal family, are complicit in the conspiracy [29-31]. He claims that this explains the extent of the cover-up and the power that has been used to silence him [25, 32]. Smedema cites a meeting he had with Minister of Agriculture Veerman in 2004, arranged through a business friend, during which Veerman allegedly attempted to bribe him to keep quiet about his allegations [14].
  • International Dimensions: Smedema believes that the conspiracy extends beyond the Netherlands and involves international actors [11]. He alleges that the CIA and the FBI investigated his claims during his asylum requests in the United States and found evidence to support his allegations [11, 33, 34]. He also claims that the Dutch government has used international treaties, such as the Bilateral Judicial Treaty between the US and the Netherlands, to shield itself from scrutiny and to prevent him from obtaining justice [32].

Smedema’s Case Remains Unresolved

Smedema’s investigation raises serious questions about the alleged events and the response of the Dutch authorities. However, it is important to note that the sources presented are Smedema’s personal accounts and have not been independently verified. While Smedema claims to have substantial evidence to support his allegations, this evidence has not been publicly presented or examined by a neutral third party.

Smedema continues to fight for recognition and justice, using his blog and book to publicize his claims and to call for a full investigation into the alleged crimes. He hopes that by raising public awareness and drawing attention to his case, he will eventually be able to overcome the obstacles he has faced and expose the truth.

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My remarks

Blog Content

Only America instantly(!) did a thorough investigation in 2009 and later and confirmed Hans is not delusional at all! Everything Hans claimed turned out to be true.

See post: Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

But that independent report is blocked by the Netherlands! The Dutch government has consistently denied any wrongdoing, creating a stark contrast in narratives.

But President Obama himself pardoned Hans or for the case Jan 2017 and so initiated a complaint State America versus State of the Netherlands at UNCAT or a special procedure at UNHRC in May 2017 after 3 months preparing by DOJ. But President Trump took America out of the UNHRC in 2018 which will have blocked the case. If you have information about this case, please contact Hans by email: [email protected]

More information and Audio files:

Full links to all Posts(500+) and Pages(28) on this Blog:

Contents Sitemap – Inhoud blog

First Video Podcast:

Podcast or Audio file with two hosts discussing my Hans Smedema Affair

Omerta Organization: Smedema’s Allegations of a Criminal Conspiracy

President Obama’s intervention in the Hans Smedema Case

Public Release of FBI Investigation: Independent Validation?

Orwellian and Kafkaesque terror by the Netherlands Government!

Jaap Duijs: Smedema’s “Guardian” and “Cordon Sanitaire”

King Willem Alexander’s Role in Smedema’s Asylum Denial

The Purpose of the Alleged 5 Million Euro Buyout

How could serial rapist Joris Demmink manipulate Justice and the Crown since 1972, even become Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice and thus deceive me and the entire Dutch state for 40 years?

Google NotebookLM insights into my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!


Hans Smedema B.Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain

