Google Notebook Guide FAQ, Timeline, Briefing Doc, Study Guide, Table of Contents in Hans Smedema Affair!

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Google Notebook Guide FAQ, Timeline, Briefing Doc, Study Guide, Table of Contents in Hans Smedema Affair!

Here are the insights provided by the Notebook Guide! Amazingly generally correct, but not 100% of course as it cannot view and read the evidence documents yet. It states I don’t provide those documents, but I do on each Post where they can be viewed and even downloaded. Why would I keep those a secret? Also Notebook keeps adding legal disclaimers that nothing has been independently proved, while that has happened in America in 2009 during my first Asylum-only request by FBI/CIA, and during the 97th General Army Hospital Frankfurt investigation by 2 officials from CIA, and the 30+ pages Dutch Intelligence file which was used by Al Rust to appeal his earlier case and be paid almost one million US$ damages(9+ years salary)! And more during my investigations since March 2000. That I don’t have that file myself yet is part of the conspiracy request by the Dutch Government to hide it to protect the Dutch Royals involved.  Also UNCAT obligation-rules violations and many more to investigate this case are mostly ignored by Notebook, while being evidence on its own.

Also this Blog and the ebooks are my written chronological legal statement about all the facts (and my interpretation) done to me, what Notebook apparently fails to see. It thinks that the victim has to prove everything before(!) the Government or Police needs to investigate, what is an absurd upside down Kafkaesque and even Orwellian paradox. The fact that in 24 years no Government agency has investigated this, and even already 3 started(!) investigations blocked by the Ministry of Justice(rapist Joris Demmink), are not mentioned as evidence by NotebookLM. Also not Joris Demmink is the father of her daughter but Jan van Beek. 


  1. What is the core accusation made by Hans Smedema?

Hans Smedema alleges he is the victim of a vast, multi-decade conspiracy involving his family, medical professionals, the Dutch justice system, and even the Dutch Royal Family. This conspiracy, he claims, aims to cover up the long-term abuse and exploitation of his wife, Wies, and himself. He alleges this abuse included drugging, mind control, and orchestrated rapes resulting in children he believes are not biologically his. Furthermore, he asserts this conspiracy has obstructed justice, denied him legal representation, and actively worked to discredit him by labeling him as delusional or paranoid.

  1. What evidence does Smedema present to support his claims?

Smedema cites various forms of evidence including witness testimonies (although he claims many witnesses are silenced), altered DNA tests, deleted photos, the refusal of authorities to investigate his claims, and the unusual difficulties he’s faced in securing legal counsel. He also mentions a “package” containing money and crucial documents that he believes was intercepted and stolen as part of the conspiracy to silence him. He details specific events, names individuals involved, and includes excerpts from what appears to be communication logs and legal documents. However, the provided excerpts lack independent verification.

  1. Who are the key figures allegedly involved in the conspiracy?

Smedema implicates numerous individuals, most notably his brother, Johan Smedema; a neighbor, Jaap Duijs; various psychiatrists and psychologists; members of the Dutch justice system; and even implicates the Dutch Royal Family, including former Queen Beatrix and King Willem-Alexander. He alleges they play different roles, ranging from active perpetration of abuse to complicity in the cover-up through silence and obstruction of justice.

  1. Why does Smedema believe the authorities are refusing to investigate his allegations?

Smedema believes the refusal stems from the conspiracy’s reach into the highest levels of the Dutch government and justice system. He suspects the involvement of the Royal Family invokes “national security” concerns, which are used to justify the suppression of evidence and the blocking of any investigation that could expose the truth and potentially destabilize the monarchy. He also alleges bribery and coercion are used to ensure compliance and silence from those involved.

  1. What specific legal obstacles has Smedema encountered?

Smedema claims he has been denied access to legal representation, hindering his ability to pursue justice. He asserts lawyers are either pressured or unwilling to take his case, and his attempts to file official complaints and access police records have been repeatedly blocked. He describes being denied due process, prevented from presenting evidence, and ultimately declared mentally unstable without proper evaluation, seemingly to discredit his accusations.

  1. What is the significance of the “package” mentioned in the excerpts?

The “package” is presented as key evidence supporting Smedema’s claims of conspiracy and theft. He believes it contained substantial money and important documents that would expose the truth. The alleged interception and theft of this package by acquaintances, potentially acting on behalf of the conspirators, is portrayed as a deliberate act to further silence him and obstruct his pursuit of justice.

  1. What role does Smedema attribute to Jaap Duijs?

Jaap Duijs, Smedema’s neighbor, is portrayed as a central figure in the abuse and manipulation of Wies Smedema. He is accused of being her “master,” exerting mind control over her, orchestrating her rapes, and fathering some of her children. Smedema alleges Duijs had the protection and support of the authorities, allowing him to operate with impunity.

  1. What is the significance of the mention of “baby aspirin” in the excerpts?

Smedema alleges that he was unknowingly drugged with antipsychotic medication disguised as “baby aspirin.” He believes this was done to impair his cognitive function, making him appear delusional and undermining his ability to effectively fight the conspiracy. This act is presented as another element of the systematic effort to discredit him and suppress his allegations.

The Hans Smedema Affair Timeline


  • Second half of 1972: Jan van Beek, Hans’s landlord, allegedly blocks Hans’s vas deferens, rendering him infertile. This act is supposedly punishment for Hans reporting Van Beek to the police. Van Beek also declares his intention to father children with Wies, Hans’s future wife.


  • February 23, 1973: Hans and Wies marry. It is implied that authorities were involved in the ceremony, but Hans claims they never saw the marriage certificate.


  • Jaap Duijs, a neighbor posing as a friend, allegedly abuses Wies, using mind control and drugging both her and Hans.


  • Files related to the case exist within KCOM (Koninklijke Criminele Organisatie Mengele) and Justitie (Dutch Ministry of Justice), implicating the Crown.


  • Hans begins to experience partial memory recovery and inquiries about a 30-year memory gap. Family, medical professionals, and the justice system deny his claims, initiating a cover-up.


  • A compromising photo of Jaap Duijs and Wies is allegedly erased.


  • Hans starts to realize he is a victim of a conspiracy. Wies’s children allegedly falsify DNA paternity tests with the help of the Snieders family. Hans begins being secretly drugged with antipsychotics disguised as baby aspirin. He is denied legal counsel due to the perceived implausibility of his claims.
  • Police are forbidden from investigating Hans’s case or filing reports based on a letter from the Ministry of Justice via BIZA.


  • January 2004: Hans becomes unable to work due to the psychological strain of the ongoing situation.


  • Hans files complaints and appeals, all of which are rejected or ignored by various legal bodies, including the College van Procureurs Generaal and the Gerechtshof.


  • Psychiatrist Bauke Koopmans initiates Hans’s involuntary commitment to a psychiatric institution.


  • February 9, 2009: Court hearing presided over by Judge Jeroen van Bruggen. Hans is denied a lawyer, witnesses, and further investigation. The judge dismisses Hans’s claims due to lack of evidence. Hans applies for asylum in the United States.
  • Later in 2009: U.S. asylum judge Rex J. Ford validates Hans’s story and declares him not schizophrenic or delusional.


  • Hans is allegedly subjected to conditioning or torture by Onno van der Hart and Jaap Duijs in Murla, Spain.

2011/2012: Hans is again denied justice in the Netherlands, leading to another asylum application to the U.S.


  • December 2012: A call girl incident and alleged theft of €300,000 occur involving Andre and Joke.
  • December 3, 2012: Court ruling against Hans Smedema


  • Hans and Wies meet with Hans and Marjan in Houten. Hans confronts Jan de Groot, a detective, about the case.
  • November 4, 2013: Hans Stigter advises Hans Smedema via text.
  • November 12, 2013: Text exchange between Hans Stigter and Wies about Hans Smedema’s whereabouts.


  • August 2014: Hans realizes André and Joke have allegedly swindled him out of €300,000.
  • August 30, 2014: Hans meets with Hans and Marjan in Rotterdam to discuss André and the missing money.
  • September 19, 2014: Hans issues an ultimatum to Minister Plasterk demanding an official investigation.


  • June 29, 2015: Hans and Wies divorce.


  • Hans’s third asylum application to the U.S. is made.
  • March 15, 2017: Hans’s asylum is supposedly offered but then blocked by King Willem-Alexander, who was a KLM co-pilot at the time.


  • Hans alleges André used a hypnotizing drug on him several times.

Cast of Characters

  • Hans Smedema: The protagonist, claiming to be a victim of a long-term conspiracy involving his family, the Dutch government, and others.
  • Wies Smedema (Jansma): Hans’s wife. The narratives portray her as both a victim of abuse and a participant in the conspiracy against Hans.
  • Johan Smedema: Hans’s brother, described as the “Godfather” of the Omerta organization orchestrating the conspiracy.
  • Jaap Duijs: A neighbor and alleged serial rapist who abused Wies and controlled her through mind control techniques and drugs.
  • André Gruters: A supposed friend who allegedly swindled Hans out of a large sum of money and key documents.
  • Joke: André’s partner, who seems to have some reservations about André’s actions.
  • Hans and Marjan Stigter: Acquaintances of Hans and Wies. Hans Stigter is described as a money launderer.
  • Jan van Beek: Hans’s landlord in 1972, accused of making Hans infertile.
  • Tjitte de Jong: Chairman of CDA Drenthe, involved in the conspiracy against Hans.
  • Sylvia te Wierik: A police officer in Drachten, alleged to have provided drugs to Jaap Duijs.
  • Onno van der Hart: Professor and alleged torturer of Hans.
  • Bauke Koopmans: Psychiatrist who initiated Hans’s involuntary commitment.
  • Jeroen van Bruggen: Corrupt judge who presided over Hans’s 2009 hearing.
  • Rex J. Ford: U.S. asylum judge who validated Hans’s story.
  • Minister Plasterk: Dutch Minister who Hans issued an ultimatum to.
  • Minister Donner: Dutch Minister of Justice accused of withholding information and lying.
  • King Willem-Alexander: Allegedly blocked Hans’s asylum application while acting as KLM co-pilot.
  • Elise B.: A key witness from Uden who worked for Johan Smedema and part-time for the Justice system, alleged to be involved in the cover-up.
  • Al Rust: A foreign individual involved in legal battles connected to Hans’s case.
  • Jan de Groot: Detective who threatened to sue Hans.
  • Rieks H. P. Roden: Filed a defamation lawsuit against Hans.
  • Haye Bruinsma: Police detective forbidden from filing a report on Hans’s case.
  • Sophie: A young woman whom Hans expresses affection for and who is allegedly involved with Jaap Duijs.
  • Wimke: Jaap Duijs’ wife.

It is important to note that this timeline and character list are based solely on Hans Smedema’s account and the provided documents. The information presented is highly contested and should not be taken as factual without further verification from independent sources. The narrative strongly reflects Hans Smedema’s perspective and includes accusations of criminal activity that are not substantiated by the provided documentation.

Briefing Document: The Hans Smedema Affair

This document summarizes the key themes and information presented across several sources relating to the Hans Smedema Affair. The core narrative revolves around Hans Smedema’s claims of a wide-ranging conspiracy involving his family, medical professionals, the Dutch justice system, and even the Dutch Royal Family, designed to cover up decades of abuse against him and his wife, Wies.

Core Allegations:

  • Systematic Abuse and Cover-Up: Smedema alleges that he and his wife were subjected to long-term abuse, including drugging, manipulation, and sexual assault, starting in 1972. He claims this abuse was orchestrated by a network of individuals including family members and neighbors, with the knowledge and complicity of the Dutch authorities. This network is referred to as the “Omerta Organization.”
  • “Heel merkwaardig is het dat alle getuigen zwijgen als het graf.” (“1.5 Bewijs en getuigen!”) – This highlights Smedema’s frustration with the apparent silence of potential witnesses, suggesting a coordinated effort to conceal the truth.
  • “In de zeven jaren die volgen gaat hij met zijn lieve vrouw, door een hel.” (“2025-04731”) – This emphasizes the severity of the alleged suffering endured by Smedema and his wife.
  • Obstruction of Justice: Smedema asserts that he has been consistently denied access to justice, with the authorities actively blocking his attempts to investigate the alleged crimes. He claims he has been denied legal representation, prevented from filing police reports, and that evidence has been destroyed or tampered with.
  • “Alle aangiften tegen mij waren vals en fraude maar werden nooit onderzocht!” (“1.6 De verraders!”) – This underscores the claim that authorities ignored evidence of wrongdoing.
  • “Het doen van aangifte is mij iet toegestaan, de verkrachters mogen dat wel.” (The Hans Smedema Affair2.pdf) – This directly alleges discriminatory treatment by the justice system.
  • “Justitie, AIVD en ‘De Kroon’ weigeren tot op heden om openheid van zaken te geven.” (“Deel5Jaccuse”) – This points to a lack of transparency from governmental institutions.
  • Medical Malpractice and Complicity: Smedema accuses medical professionals of being complicit in the cover-up, including misdiagnosing him with mental illnesses, administering drugs without his knowledge, and manipulating his wife against him.
  • “…Psychiaters verklaren zonder enig bewijs, u gewoon voor paranoïde, of schizofreen…” (“Bizar misdrijf & politieke samenzwering!”) – This questions the validity of psychiatric assessments.
  • “…wat in werkelijkheid een zwaar antipsychoticum was! En wat ik al sinds 2003 argeloos slikte…” (“Uitnodiging bij Spaanse Guardia Civil Benidorm!”) – This reveals a serious allegation of being unknowingly drugged.
  • Financial Manipulation: Smedema claims to have been financially exploited and defrauded by individuals connected to the conspiracy, resulting in significant losses.
  • “Haar kinderen vervalsen in 2003 met hulp schoonfamilie Snieders de DNA vaderschapstesten…” (“1.6 De verraders!”) – This suggests manipulation of evidence related to paternity.
  • “Callgirl en weer opgelicht voor 300.000 euro!” (The Hans Smedema Affair2.pdf) – This indicates a specific instance of alleged financial fraud.
  • Role of Family Members: Smedema implicates various family members, particularly his brother Johan, in the conspiracy, accusing them of actively participating in the cover-up and benefiting from his misfortunes.
  • “…Mijn gewetenloze broer Johan daar een speciale samenwerking en samenzwering mee heeft…” (“1.5 Bewijs en getuigen!”) – This directly accuses his brother of involvement.
  • “Uw broer blijkt heimelijk de leider Godfather Omerta Org te zijn.” (The Hans Smedema Affair.pdf) – This casts his brother as a central figure in the alleged conspiracy.

Key Individuals and Entities:

  • Johan Smedema: Hans’ brother, accused of being a leader in the conspiracy.
  • Jaap Duijs: A neighbor, accused of abusing Wies and controlling her through “mind control.”
  • André and Joke: Friends accused of stealing money and documents meant for Smedema.
  • Dutch Justice System (Police, OM, Courts): Accused of obstructing justice, ignoring evidence, and denying Smedema his rights.
  • Dutch Royal Family: Implicated in the conspiracy, particularly in blocking access to information and protecting perpetrators.
  • KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander: Accused of personally interfering with Smedema’s asylum request in the US.

Key Themes:

  • Betrayal: The recurring theme of betrayal by family, friends, and trusted institutions permeates Smedema’s narrative.
  • Conspiracy: The alleged conspiracy is central to the story, encompassing a wide network and impacting all aspects of Smedema’s life.
  • Gaslighting and Reality Manipulation: Smedema describes experiencing gaslighting and manipulation, leading to confusion and self-doubt.
  • Powerlessness and Isolation: Smedema’s accounts convey a sense of powerlessness against a system designed to silence him.
  • Fight for Justice: Despite the obstacles, Smedema’s persistent efforts to expose the truth and seek justice remain a driving force in his narrative.

Note: This briefing document is based solely on the provided sources, which represent Hans Smedema’s perspective. Verification of these claims through independent sources is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the situation. The language used in the sources is often emotionally charged and accusatory, reflecting Smedema’s distress and frustration.

The Hans Smedema Affair: A Table of Contents for In-Depth Understanding

Source 1: Excerpts from “1.5 Bewijs en getuigen! – Hans Smedema Affair”

  • Witness Silence and Deception: This section highlights the curious silence of potential witnesses in the Smedema affair, suggesting they may have been coerced into concealing information that would corroborate Smedema’s claims, possibly by being led to believe he was discrediting his wife. It also mentions his wife’s written willingness to uncover the truth, a fact seemingly ignored by the authorities.
  • Justice Obstruction and Conspiracy: This section raises questions about potential obstruction of justice, alleging a conspiracy involving Smedema’s brother, Johan, and a judicial official named Elise B., who allegedly worked to suppress the truth. The role of lawyers and their potential awareness of the truth is also questioned.

Source 2: Excerpts from “1.6 De verraders! – Hans Smedema Affair”

  • Falsified Evidence and Legal Manipulation: This section details specific instances of alleged evidence tampering, including falsified DNA tests in 2003 and the deletion of a compromising photo in 2002. These actions allegedly contributed to Smedema’s inability to secure legal representation and resulted in wrongful convictions in 2009, 2011/12, and 2016.
  • Further Corruption: This short section simply alludes to the involvement of additional corrupt individuals in the affair, without providing further details.

Source 3: Excerpts from “2025-04731 (087-402-454) 4 22 2009.pdf”

  • Initial Disbelief and the Beginning of the Ordeal: This section describes Hans Smedema’s initial inquiries in 2000 about his 30-year memory loss, which are met with denial from family, medical professionals, and legal authorities. The ensuing seven years are described as an ordeal for Smedema and his wife, who struggles to believe the allegations of long-term abuse. The excerpt suggests manipulation and denial of assistance from authorities.

Source 4: Excerpts from “Bizar misdrijf & politieke samenzwering!”

  • Denials and Psychiatric Misdiagnosis: This section describes the widespread denial Smedema encountered when inquiring about his recovered memories. He details being labeled paranoid or schizophrenic by psychiatrists who dismissed his evidence, contributing to his eventual disability. The section concludes with mention of his identification of multiple perpetrators.

Source 5: Excerpts from “Deel5Jaccuse”

  • Disclaimer and Refusal of Transparency: This section presents a disclaimer anticipating denials from implicated parties and affirms Smedema’s commitment to revealing the truth. It mentions attempts to silence him with financial offers and highlights the ongoing refusal of authorities to cooperate.
  • Financial Struggles and Betrayal: This section details Smedema’s financial difficulties, the alleged theft of a substantial sum of money by acquaintances, and the ongoing administration of antipsychotic drugs without his knowledge. It also mentions a “conditioning” or torture event involving Prof. Onno van der Hart and Jaap Duijs.
  • Confrontations and Legal Battles: This section describes several confrontations with individuals connected to the alleged conspiracy, including a legal threat. Smedema expresses his determination to expose the truth despite the personal costs.
  • The Stolen Money and Deception: This section expands on the alleged theft of 300,000 euros, implicating André and Joke and highlighting Smedema’s wife’s disbelief in his claims. It describes Smedema’s attempts to confront Hans and Marjan about their potential involvement.
  • Suspicions and Confrontation in Rotterdam: This section recounts a meeting with Hans and Marjan in Rotterdam, where Smedema confronts them about their knowledge of the stolen money. He notes an encounter with a seemingly familiar person.
  • Text Message Exchanges and Growing Suspicions: This section includes excerpts from text message exchanges that further fuel Smedema’s suspicions of Hans and Marjan’s involvement in the conspiracy.
  • Various Encounters and Allegations: This section details a series of encounters and allegations, including a forced psychiatric evaluation, an unpaid debt by Joke, a near-sexual encounter with a much younger woman named Sophie, and accusations against Jaap Duijs as a serial rapist who drugged and abused young girls, including Smedema’s wife. It concludes with a description of Smedema being manipulated into providing false testimony.

Source 6: Excerpts from “The Hans Smedema Affair_ A Story of Betrayal, Conspiracy, and the Fight for Justice – Hans Smedema Affair.pdf”

  • Overview of the Smedema Affair: This section provides a synopsis of the Smedema affair, alleging long-term drugging, manipulation, and abuse by an “Omerta Organization.” It details the denial of legal assistance, wrongful convictions, and the alleged involvement of high-ranking officials, including Joris Demmink.
  • Marital Manipulation and Abuse: This section focuses on the alleged role of Smedema’s wife in the conspiracy, claiming she was part of the Omerta Organization and facilitated his drugging and abuse. It also details the alleged abuse perpetrated by Jaap Duijs.
  • The Impact of the Conspiracy: This section presents a hypothetical scenario inviting the reader to empathize with Smedema’s experiences of betrayal, denial of justice, and psychological manipulation.
  • Control and Surveillance: This section details the alleged methods of control employed by Jaap Duijs, including drugging, surveillance, and manipulation of Smedema and his wife.
  • Early Life Manipulation and Threat: This section recounts an alleged incident where Hans Smedema was threatened with forced sterilization by his landlord, Jan van Beek, after reporting him to the police.

Source 7: Excerpts from “The Hans Smedema Affair_ A Story of Betrayal, Conspiracy, and the Fight for Justice – Hans Smedema Affair2.pdf”

  • The Stolen Package and Betrayal: This section revisits the incident of the stolen package, emphasizing the alleged roles of André and Joke in the deception. It describes Smedema’s memory loss and the manipulation he experienced.
  • Emotional Distress and Suspicions: This section details Smedema’s emotional distress and growing suspicions regarding André and Joke’s behavior.
  • Text Message Evidence and Deception: This section provides further text message excerpts that highlight the alleged deception and Smedema’s growing concerns.
  • The Callgirl Incident and Manipulation: This section recounts an incident involving a callgirl and the alleged manipulation by André to intercept a package intended for Smedema.
  • The Stolen Package and Confrontation: This section further details the stolen package incident, including confrontations with André, Joke, and Willem. It highlights Smedema’s attempts to retrieve the package and their deceptive tactics.
  • Retrieval of the Package and Continued Deception: This section describes the eventual retrieval of the package, followed by further manipulation and memory loss induced by drugging.
  • Ultimatum to Minister Plasterk and Legal Actions: This section focuses on Smedema’s legal actions, including an ultimatum to Minister Plasterk demanding an investigation and his intention to publicly release information if ignored. It also mentions the alleged involvement of Hans (Bauerlein and Tini) in the callgirl incident.
  • Hypnotic Drug Use and Memory Manipulation: This section adds the detail that André and Joke allegedly used a hypnotic drug provided by Johan Smedema or Jaap Duijs to further manipulate Hans and control his memory.
  • Online Exchange and Legal Defense: This section presents an online exchange where Smedema defends his claims and responds to accusations of paranoia. It emphasizes his frustration with the lack of investigation and support.

Source 8: Excerpts from “Uitnodiging bij Spaanse Guardia Civil Benidorm! – Hans Smedema Affair”

  • Drugging and Memory Suppression: This section reiterates Smedema’s claims of being drugged with antipsychotics disguised as aspirin, leading to memory suppression and impaired cognitive function. It highlights the impact of this drugging on his ability to fight the alleged conspiracy.

Source 9: Excerpts from “Verzoekschrift1-1.pdf”

  • Legal Obstruction and Denial of Justice: This section details Smedema’s attempts to seek legal redress, emphasizing the systemic obstruction and denial of justice he encountered. It mentions the refusal of legal aid, the dismissal of complaints, and the alleged involvement of the judiciary in the cover-up.

Source 10: Excerpts from “The Hans Smedema Affair: A Story of Betrayal, Conspiracy, and the Fight for Justice – Hans Smedema Affair3.pdf” This source was not provided initially.

The Hans Smedema Affair: A Study Guide


  1. Why does Hans Smedema believe witnesses are silent about his case? What tactic does he claim reveals confirming information?
  2. What actions does Smedema allege his wife’s children took in 2003, and what impact did this have on his legal representation? Mention another piece of evidence he claims was erased.
  3. According to Smedema, what is the public reaction, including his wife’s, when he begins investigating his memory loss?
  4. How does Smedema characterize the responses he received from family, legal professionals, and medical professionals when he inquired about his memory loss? What diagnoses do psychiatrists offer?
  5. What does Smedema’s disclaimer in his Smashwords publication advise readers to consider? What government entities does he claim refuse transparency?
  6. Smedema accuses André and Joke of a significant betrayal. What is the nature of this betrayal, and how much money is involved?
  7. How does Smedema describe Jaap Duijs’s character and actions, particularly regarding women and young girls? Give a specific example he recounts.
  8. Smedema describes an incident where he claims Jaap Duijs tampered with his drink. What was the context of this incident, and what explanation did Duijs offer?
  9. What is the stated purpose of the “Hans Smedema Amnesia Foundation,” and what are Smedema’s plans regarding starting a family in the future?
  10. What legal restrictions does Smedema claim he faces regarding filing charges, and what does he allege about police involvement in his case?

Answer Key

  1. Smedema believes witnesses are silent due to intimidation and a conspiracy to protect him as a “bad guy.” He claims that “tricking” them reveals information confirming his suspicions.
  2. Smedema alleges his children falsified DNA paternity tests in 2003 with the help of their in-laws. This led to him losing legal representation as people assumed he was delusional. He also claims a compromising photo of his wife and Jaap Duijs was erased.
  3. The public, including his wife, initially disbelieves Smedema’s claims about long-term abuse and memory loss, finding it too unbelievable. They struggle to understand the situation.
  4. Smedema describes the responses as denials and dismissal of his claims, attributing them to a cover-up. Psychiatrists diagnose him with paranoia, schizophrenia, or delusional disorder, dismissing his evidence.
  5. The disclaimer warns readers that those implicated will likely deny the accusations. He claims Justice, AIVD, and “De Kroon” (The Crown) refuse to disclose information.
  6. Smedema accuses André and Joke of stealing €300,000 and crucial documents from a package meant for him. He details a complex manipulation involving a call girl and a bar.
  7. Smedema depicts Duijs as a serial rapist and pedophile who uses his position to exploit young girls. He describes an incident where Duijs allegedly drugged a girl’s cola before sexually assaulting her on his boat.
  8. The incident occurred at Duijs’s villa. Smedema claims Duijs stirred his wine while he was out of the room. Duijs claimed there was a piece of cork in the glass.
  9. The foundation’s purpose is to manage the potential financial compensation Smedema expects from his legal battles. He expresses the desire to have a child with a woman who meets specific criteria, including a strong character.
  10. Smedema claims he is prohibited from filing charges while the perpetrators can. He alleges police were forbidden to investigate and create an official report (Proces-Verbaal) in his case.

Essay Questions

  1. Analyze Smedema’s portrayal of himself as a victim. How does he use language and rhetoric to construct this identity, and how effective are these strategies?
  2. Evaluate the evidence Smedema presents in these excerpts. Does he provide sufficient evidence to support his claims, or are there significant gaps and inconsistencies?
  3. Discuss the role of memory and trauma in Smedema’s narrative. How does his claimed amnesia shape his understanding of events, and how does it impact the credibility of his accusations?
  4. Examine the power dynamics and alleged conspiracies described by Smedema. How does he depict the relationships between individuals, families, and institutions, and how do these relationships contribute to his alleged victimization?
  5. Consider the ethical implications of publishing accusations like Smedema’s. How should the principles of free speech be balanced against the potential for harm to individuals and institutions?

Glossary of Key Terms

  • AIVD: (Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst) The Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service.
  • BIZA: (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties) The Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
  • CTIVD: (Commissie van Toezicht op de Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten) The Dutch Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services.
  • Doofpot: (Dutch) Literally “extinguishing pot,” meaning a cover-up or conspiracy of silence.
  • Gaslighting: A form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity.
  • Ketamine: A dissociative anesthetic drug, sometimes used illicitly.
  • Kroon/De Kroon: (Dutch) The Crown, referring to the Dutch monarchy and its authority.
  • KCOM: (Koninklijke Criminele Organisatie Mengele) Smedema’s term for the “Royal Criminal Organisation Mengele,” his name for the alleged conspiracy against him.
  • Omerta: A code of silence about criminal activity and refusal to give evidence to authorities.
  • Proces-Verbaal (PV): (Dutch) An official police report.
  • PTSS: (Posttraumatische stressstoornis) Post-traumatic stress disorder.


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based on this Blog and ebooks by Victim-Author,

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain