Hans Smedema vs. The Dutch Government: A Conspiracy Allegation

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Last Updated 03/03/2025 published 03/03/2025 by Hans Smedema

Hans Smedema vs. The Dutch Government: A Conspiracy Allegation

Hans Smedema’s narrative poses a significant challenge to the integrity and accountability mechanisms of the Dutch government, alleging a complex, decades-long conspiracy to silence him and cover up crimes against him and his wife [1-3]. Smedema’s core argument is that the Dutch government, including the Royal Family and high-ranking officials, has actively worked to obstruct justice, manipulate legal procedures, suppress evidence, and spread misinformation to discredit him [3].

Here’s a breakdown of how Smedema’s narrative challenges specific aspects of the Dutch government’s integrity and accountability:

Rule of Law and Due Process:

  • Smedema claims the Dutch government has manipulated legal procedures to secure unfavorable rulings and deny him due process [4]. He alleges the misuse of a bilateral judicial treaty between the Netherlands and the US to prevent him from gaining asylum, suggesting the government prioritized shielding itself from scrutiny over upholding legal cooperation [4, 5]. He believes he is being forced to prove everything without legal representation, while the UNCAT rules dictate that the Justice system should be the one to investigate first [6].

Transparency and Access to Information:

  • Smedema alleges the Dutch government repeatedly invokes “state security” to deny him access to information, block legal representation, and obstruct investigations [4, 7]. He points to the government’s response to his WOO (Wet open overheid, or Public Administration Act) requests, stating no files exist, as potential evidence of deliberate deletion or classification rather than proof that his claims are unfounded [4, 8]. This perceived lack of transparency reinforces his belief in a system that prioritizes secrecy and self-preservation over accountability [4].

Accountability of Public Officials:

  • Smedema’s accusations implicate high-ranking officials within the Ministry of Justice, the police, and the intelligence service (AIVD) in a vast cover-up [9]. He alleges that these entities have manipulated legal proceedings, suppressed evidence, intimidated witnesses, and even orchestrated attacks against him to maintain the alleged conspiracy [9]. According to Smedema, Demmink ensured that investigations into his alleged persecution were blocked and that any information provided to international bodies, such as the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and UNCAT, was falsified to discredit him [10].

Independence of the Judiciary:

  • Smedema claims that the Dutch legal system prioritizes the prosecution’s evidence over an active pursuit of the truth [11-14]. He argues that judges focus on verifying the prosecution’s narrative rather than considering all available evidence and seeking the most plausible explanation [11-14]. Smedema asserts that his attempts to file charges and present evidence were met with resistance, while accusations against him, often based on flimsy evidence, were readily accepted and investigated [11-14].

Role of the Monarchy:

  • Smedema alleges the Dutch Royal Family is complicit in a decades-long conspiracy to silence him and protect high-ranking officials allegedly involved in crimes against him and his wife [15-18]. He portrays the Royal Family as actively participating in the alleged cover-up to safeguard their reputation, even at the expense of justice [15-18]. He believes a “Royal Special Decree” shields perpetrators from prosecution [7, 16, 19-28]. If this decree exists, it raises questions about the rule of law in the Netherlands and the monarchy’s potential role in obstructing justice [7, 16, 19-28].

Compliance with International Law:

  • Smedema criticizes the Dutch government’s handling of the UNCAT, which he believes has been “cunningly and deliberately blocked” since 2000 to protect the royal family from negative publicity [29]. He states that this obstruction of the UNCAT system has prevented him from receiving justice and support, including an independent investigation, free legal assistance, an advance on compensation for damages, and the restoration of his reputation [29]. He claims the Dutch government has been violating UNCAT for 24 years [6, 30].

Freedom of Expression and Protection of Whistleblowers:

  • Smedema’s relentless fight for justice, fueled by his blog and ebooks, represents a desperate attempt to reclaim control over his narrative and expose what he believes is a system designed to silence and discredit him [31]. Smedema sees his ongoing persecution as a direct result of this conspiracy, claiming that the Dutch government has relentlessly sought to silence him and prevent him from exposing the truth [31]. The alleged tactics employed to silence Smedema, including intimidation, manipulation, and character assassination, could create a chilling effect on dissent within Dutch society [4, 32].

Smedema’s allegations, though lacking independent verification, raise serious questions about the effectiveness of these mechanisms in preventing abuse of power and ensuring accountability [33, 34]. His narrative challenges the Dutch government to address these concerns and demonstrate its commitment to transparency, accountability, and the rule of law [33, 34].

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based on the legal written statements on this Blog and eBooks by the victim Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema