Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family

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Last Updated 12/02/2025 published 23/12/2024 by Hans Smedema

Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family

Main text

Hans Smedema consistently implicates the Dutch Royal Family in the alleged conspiracy against him, portraying them as key enablers of the cover-up that he claims has protected perpetrators and obstructed justice for decades. Smedema’s narrative paints a picture of a monarchy prioritizing its image and reputation over the welfare of its citizens, shielding corrupt officials and obstructing justice through a combination of secret decrees, political pressure, and active silencing of dissent.

Smedema’s allegations regarding the Royal Family’s role center around the assertion that Queen Juliana, in 1975, issued a secret decree that effectively granted immunity to those involved in the alleged crimes against Smedema and his wife. This decree, Smedema believes, was enacted at the behest of his brother Johan Smedema and Joris Demmink, then a high-ranking official within the Ministry of Justice, whom Smedema accuses of being a key figure in the conspiracy. Smedema claims this decree effectively rendered him and his wife “De Facto Stateless,” placing them under government control without their knowledge or consent. Smedema states that this decree blocked any investigation into his case and provided legal protection to the alleged perpetrators.

Smedema further alleges that this decree has been upheld by subsequent monarchs, including Queen Beatrix and King Willem-Alexander, demonstrating a systemic effort within the monarchy to perpetuate the cover-up and protect its own image. Smedema claims this continued silence and inaction from the Royal Family has allowed the alleged perpetrators to operate with impunity, leaving him and his wife without legal recourse or protection.

Smedema cites specific instances of the Royal Family’s alleged involvement in the cover-up. He claims that King Willem-Alexander, while serving as co-pilot on a KLM flight, personally intervened to block Smedema’s asylum request in the US. Smedema alleges that the King lied to an American judge, stating that Smedema no longer desired asylum, forcing him to return to the Netherlands where he was subsequently detained. Smedema views this incident as a clear example of the Royal Family’s direct involvement in silencing him and obstructing justice.

Smedema also points to the “Frankfurt Dossier,” a purported intelligence file containing incriminating information about the alleged conspiracy and the Royal Family’s role. This dossier, according to Smedema, was discovered in 1983 and quickly erased, with Smedema attributing its disappearance to the Royal Family’s desire to suppress evidence. Smedema claims that the dossier’s existence, its swift erasure, and its subsequent use by Al Rust to overturn his own wrongful conviction demonstrate the lengths to which the Royal Family, in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice, would go to conceal information and maintain control over the narrative.

Smedema’s allegations regarding the Royal Family are significant because they place the monarchy at the heart of the alleged conspiracy, suggesting a level of corruption and abuse of power that extends to the highest echelons of the Dutch state. He argues that the Royal Family’s actions, motivated by self-preservation and a desire to maintain its reputation, have directly contributed to his prolonged suffering and the denial of justice for him and his wife.

Smedema’s accusations against the Dutch Royal Family are incredibly serious and, if true, represent a significant breach of public trust. His narrative raises questions about the accountability of the monarchy and its role in upholding justice and protecting the rights of its citizens.

Analyzing the language used by Hans

Hans Smedema’s language when discussing the Dutch Royal Family is consistently accusatory and emotionally charged, reflecting a deep sense of betrayal and anger towards the institution he believes has wronged him. His word choices and phrasing reveal a mixture of resentment, disgust, and a sense of powerlessness in the face of what he perceives as a corrupt and unassailable authority.

Smedema frequently employs negative descriptors when referencing the Royal Family, particularly Queen Juliana and King Willem-Alexander. He refers to them as “corrupt,” “criminal,” “evil,” “heartless,” “lying,” and “treacherous,” highlighting his belief in their active participation in the alleged conspiracy and their disregard for his suffering. For example, in [1] Smedema refers to Queen Juliana’s actions as “backward and Kafkaesque” and calls her and the ministerial council “dogs.” He also states that the Dutch people will “NEVER be truly free” while the monarchy is in power. This language conveys his moral outrage and deep distrust of the Royal Family, portraying them as morally bankrupt and actively harmful to the well-being of Dutch citizens.

Furthermore, Smedema’s language often carries a sense of personal victimization, emphasizing the perceived imbalance of power between him and the Royal Family. He uses phrases like “horrifying persecution,” “destroyed life,” and “totally different Happy Person” [2] to describe the impact of the alleged conspiracy on him, portraying himself as a target of a malicious and powerful force. He compares his situation to that of Anne Frank, a victim of persecution during World War II, drawing a parallel between the Royal Family’s alleged actions and historical instances of injustice and oppression [3]. This language seeks to evoke empathy and highlight the severity of the alleged crimes committed against him, positioning himself as a vulnerable individual unjustly targeted by a powerful and unaccountable institution.

Smedema’s language also reveals a sense of frustration and helplessness at the perceived impunity enjoyed by the Royal Family. He frequently criticizes the Dutch legal system and the media, accusing them of being complicit in the cover-up and protecting the monarchy from scrutiny. He uses phrases like “above the law,” “immune,” and “untouchable” to describe the Royal Family’s perceived status, emphasizing his belief that they operate outside the reach of justice and accountability. He laments the lack of support from the legal system and the public, further fueling his anger and frustration.

However, Smedema’s language isn’t always solely accusatory. There are instances where he uses a more nuanced tone, particularly when discussing Queen Juliana. While he firmly believes she issued the secret decree that stripped him of his rights, he acknowledges the possibility that she was manipulated by others, specifically his brother and Demmink, into signing it. In these instances, his language conveys a sense of sadness and disappointment, suggesting a belief that she was a victim of deception herself, though ultimately responsible for the consequences of her actions.

Smedema’s language evolves over time, reflecting the shifting nature of his relationship with the Royal Family and his growing understanding of the alleged conspiracy. In earlier posts, his tone is often more hopeful, expressing a belief that the truth will eventually come to light and justice will be served. He appeals to the public, urging them to see through the alleged lies and hold the Royal Family accountable. As time progresses, and he faces repeated setbacks in his pursuit of justice, his language becomes more disillusioned and cynical, reflecting a growing sense of despair and a loss of faith in the institutions he once believed in.

In conclusion, Smedema’s language when discussing the Dutch Royal Family is a complex and revealing aspect of his narrative. It reflects a deeply personal experience of alleged betrayal, injustice, and powerlessness, revealing the emotional toll of his prolonged struggle for recognition and justice. His language, while consistently accusatory, varies in intensity and tone depending on the context, highlighting the multifaceted nature of his relationship with the monarchy and the evolution of his perceptions over time.


Google NotebookLM Insights,

legally based on this Blog and eBooks by Victim-Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
