FAQ Frequently Asked Questions English!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 06/02/2023 by Hans Smedema

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FAQ Frequently asked questions!

Original Dutch version: FAQ Veel gestelde vragen!

The following text is an automatic Google Translation from the original Dutch Post! Not perfect yet, but good enough to understand. Will get better soon with the new Google AI programs. 

For legal purposes use the Original Dutch version!

Top level summaries of this complex huge ‘Perfect Crime’ in this Post:

Google NotebookLM insights into my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!

Questions and comments on the incredible Hans Smedema Affair

For an understanding of this horrific decades-long legal “ongoing crime,” the following is crucial:

  • Hans Smedema(me) was already falsely accused at the end of 1972 by both her rapists and his brainwashed girlfriend, and therefore all(!) crucial information about his brainwashed girlfriend being tortured into a sex slave was withheld by his entire environment! Also, Justice and the police themselves were involved through a mole and traitor Joris Demmink. And later that he was already infertile in 1972 by the rapists so that Jan van Beek himself could father a child (daughter Ilse) with her!. My corrupt recently (buried on 23-1-2023) deceased brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennept took care of this together with the rapist/traitor Joris Demmink within the Justice and secret service itself. Gaslighting or heavy Reality manipulation for decades so that in 2000 I even thought for 4 years that I had really suddenly gone ‘crazy’! It wasn’t until Dec 2003 that I was 100% sure that I wasn’t crazy at all, but the victim of the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history known to me. Obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and psychological torture.
  • I was therefore ‘De Facto’ forced to marry her because the family was afraid that no one else would want to do that if the horrific truth came out. It was simply assumed through her lying rapists that I must also be guilty.
  • So already at the end of 1972, everyone in my environment was secretly (!) bribed with 20,000 guilders and a monthly/meeting allowance to keep Hans Smedema unaware and ignorant. Her horrific defenseless(!) reality as a sex slave was concealed from me. Both are even heavily brainwashed (electroshock) to repress everything! But both were therefore also defenseless against her rapists who did know that, such as Joris Demmink with a staff position within Justice and the secret service who had arranged it cunningly and could manipulate everything nicely. He just made himself immune by luring Queen Juliana into this rape case.
  • No one bothered to check whether that was true despite my denials during some questioning by my corrupt me-hating brother Johan Smedema from Gennep. That could have been simple and this biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history known to me would have been stopped and exposed in time.
  • At the end of 1972, Hans Smedema was even brainwashed by the bribed traumatologist Onno van der Hart during a forcedly refused (!) sleep cure at the end of 1972, to immediately repress everything related to his girlfriend’s sexual excesses! His girlfriend was also brainwashed to forget everything about her wrong past! Which made him and her even more defenseless against any rapist.
  • During a hearing in the Medical Disciplinary College Groningen 2006/7 case ‘de facto’ Prof. dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG told that he knew that my wife had been brainwashed because he stated ‘that my girlfriend/wife/ex.wife had the right not to know anything!’
  • That is de facto the crucial confession of this 50-year ongoing horrific cover-up and conspiracy with three children of the rapists, 3 terminated pregnancies, severe mental and physical torture, innocent people fired, completely wrong courts and court sessions, and my millions in financial damage as a consequence. For almost a lifetime I was innocently abused and blackened everywhere with a secret whore for a wife, and because of this, I was fired again and again without understanding why!
  • Hardly anyone understands how complex and ingenious rapist Joris Demmink, together with my corrupt brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep, set up this Omerta Organization at the end of 1972 to protect himself and others from persecution! It took me 4 years before I finally realized that I had not suddenly gone mad, as my whole bribed environment wanted me to believe (horrific gaslighting or reality manipulation), but the victim of what I think was the greatest and longest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history known to me.

This article will be added to and improved later. Contact Hans Smedema for more crucial questions! See  About Hans Smedema & Contact

See also:  Bizarre Incredible Combination of Completely Unique Events!

Your story about decades of drugging and rape is impossible because it would have long been noticed by her social circle!

Answer: That is why I call this case the largest cover-up and conspiracy since 1971/72 in Dutch history known to me. At the end of 1972, everyone in my social circle received 20,000 guilders to hide her past as a (defenseless) whore and slut from me and thus ‘de facto’ forced me to marry her. That’s called Reality Manipulation or Gaslighting for unsuspecting victims like myself. Horrible because it makes you insecure and you doubt yourself. This Blog and my Ebooks are about that! Mind Control by Electroshock and conditioning or brainwashing was also used. I was even secretly brainwashed every 5 or 6 years via electroshock by Prof. dr. Onno van der Hart UU, usually by my own wife(!) with a glass of water with a heavy drug late in the evening, after which she gave Onno and others access to our house to mutilate my brain again into submission. On behalf of rapist Jan van Beek, she also gave me secretly a daily light dose of the anesthetic Ketamine to keep me docile and submissive for decades. See the crucial posts:  Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven! and Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!

It was properly investigated by FBI/CIA: Brainwashing and torture May 20, 2010, Benidorm chronologically!

A woman finds out later when she has been drugged and raped!

Usually yes, but this is a case of severe abuse in 1972 with a cheap worn-out (no more wounds) swine electric baton (which I once saw behind the stove) combined with a daily light dose of ketamine that partially disabled her normal mind—and so brainwashed into a defenseless sex slave who dutifully carried out every assignment without a condom. Mind control and de facto mental hostage that retarded police don’t understand!

So the police do not understand that there has been a hostage taking (!) or some kind of ‘mental kidnapping’ since 1972!

I innocently married a defenseless woman. She also deliberately acquired a so-called easily summoned double personality after being tortured heavily, which is unique in the Netherlands. DIS. Discussed in detail in my Ebooks and here on my Blog. See…

Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secretly extra emotional personality as a sex slave!

You can’t be forced to get married!

Not usually no, but they deliberately withheld all crucial information about my girlfriend’s horrific past and her childhood sexual boyfriend since she was 14 years old by her family and end of 1972 through the Omerta Organization led by my corrupt brother Johan Smedema from Gennep, who bribed everyone with a civil contract and 20,000 guilders already at the end of 1972! An exceptionally high amount was paid through Interpolis because she worked at the RABO bank and her father was Chairman of the national RABO bank Union Organization at the time. And not only that but even I was secretly(!) tortured into submission by the bribed Onno van der Hart at the end of 1972  into a submissive husband by means of ‘electro shock’ and conditioning. My wife appears to be a member of this Omerta Organization even before our marriage!!!

After already in 1971 I was hypnotized after heavy drugging with Ketamine, so heavy mind control. Also, a light dose of ketamine was used daily before and after our marriage to keep me dogged and sharply lower my normal IQ from 135 to less than 100, avoiding everything. After all, during our marriage on 23-2-1973 in Leeuwarden, an objection was made to my marriage by an honest person who stated that crucial information was deliberately held from me that had not led to a marriage, and 2 officials of the Justice Department (member Omerta) had to Organization of my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep secretly co-sign the marriage certificate afterward. So secret coercion was organized by my brother Johan the leader of the secret Omerta Organization together with rapist from 1972 Joris Demmink within the judiciary and secret service.

It has not been proven and you have no proof!

Incorrect, because there is a lot of evidence and a lot of named witnesses, but never officially investigated in the Netherlands because the Royal House is involved, and the Royal House could receive negative publicity in the event of an investigation. Which is not allowed in the Netherlands. King above the law and above victims.

Hence my 3 asylum applications (15 months detention/transition) in America and there (!) a solid FBI / CIA investigation that proved me completely right! The 2009 investigation was even reopened in Jan 2014 and on March 15, 2017, I was finally offered that asylum in the skies over Montana, which was slyly corruptly blocked by the lying fraudulent KLM Co-Pilot King WA. He knew about my Hans Smedema Affair! See the results of that study. 

ChatGPT open Artificial Intelligence states:

Additionally, a co-pilot, even if they are a monarch, would not have the authority to block someone’s asylum request. If you believe that your rights as an asylum seeker have been violated, you should contact a lawyer or a legal aid organization for assistance.

But since 2000 all the cowardly lawyers refuse to give me legal advice! That’s still impossible! See…  The cowardly legal profession.

Why do lawyers refuse your legal help?

The cunning genius rapist Joris Demmink from 1972 was at the top of the Justice Department when I finally slowly started to learn about this biggest cover-up and conspiracy in March 2000. It wasn’t until the end of 2003 that I was 100% sure that I had NOT suddenly gone mad as my entire environment would have me believe, in the heaviest gaslighting and reality manipulation in Dutch history. So that took no less than 4 years in which I really thought I had suddenly gone mad. The horrific treatment of her sisters and my brothers, along with mutual parents, doctors, and justice. Vice detective Haye Bruinsma Drachten police were absolutely NOT allowed to draw up a Proceeding Report from the Ministry of Justice in a letter via the Ministry of the Interior, so 2 Ministries were involved! All lawyers were also warned in advance that I had supposedly gone mad and they were not allowed to assist madmen or only to a limited extent. A wonderfully horrific example is this incident where I was refused 9 x without good motivation:  Fraude Anker Advocaten Leeuwarden!

For example, all victim lawyers refused and even the Victim Support Organization referred me to… psychiatrists! Joris Demmink/Justice also cunningly abused the fact that this gruesome case concerned ‘State Security’ due to the Royal involvement of Queen Juliana at the end of 1972. All he had to do was wave it and everyone slunk off. Recently tried again here in Spain in vain, but they all refuse this huge(!) case. Anxious? Too grotesque? Assassination attempts? Harassment from the Netherlands?

The Royal House is really not going to deal with a rape case!

No, not normally of course. But in 1972 there was an old law that made it possible NOT to prosecute serious cases in order to prevent even more trauma for the poor victim! Joris Demmink from Justice knew this and introduced it to my corrupt brother Johan Smedema from Gennep, who eagerly introduced it to our mutual parents. At the end of 1972, they went neatly to Queen Juliana in new clothes, without informing me, because I was not allowed to know so that I would unsuspectingly marry her! So a criminal(!) action. And so this case became State Secret, which made rapist Joris Demmink himself(!) and everyone else involved cunningly immune.

Why can’t you briefly explain this matter to someone?

Because this case is the largest and most complex conspiracy in Dutch history known to me! Just look at what I have to explain to mostly low-educated people.

  • Hiding years of family rapes!
  • Drugging and brainwashing via electroshock by rapists and bribed traumatologist prof. dr. Onno van der Hart (every 5 to 6 years!), to repress/forget everything from both my girlfriend/wife and myself!
  • The fact that my girlfriend had an easily summoned extra personality as a sex slave after being tortured with a pig electric baton!
  • My girlfriend obediently followed all orders (mostly sexual ones) from Jan van Beek, later Jaap Duijs, and her sister Klazien. In fact from everyone after mild coercion or just plain fear.
  • And she often drugged me with light doses of ketamine, which is an anesthetic. So I was kept doggish and stupid for decades, which explains my slow and stupid career at first.
  • The fact that this case is secretly (!) State secrets
  • and all normal legal rights have been surreptitiously secretly taken away from me! My brother Johan controlled my life. Sort of cover-TBS.
  • That my entire environment was bribed with 20,000 guilders through a civil contract and hid everything and song that nothing had happened. So totally isolating me!
  • That doctors are too stupid and retarded to believe my story anyway and therefore incorrectly (!) declared me delusional. Even almost (2 days still) forced admission to a Psychiatric InInstitutions! So I was secretly drugged with an antipsychotic. See…  J’Accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans innocent defenseless victim due to forced admission!
  • And much more. You don’t easily explain that in a bar or restaurant. Impossible.

What have you achieved in those more than 20 years?

Very much and that against a hiding enemy, namely the Dutch State via the Crown, so now King WA and Council of Ministers. And then also a rapist from 1972 who, as a MOL traitor without any effective control, was allowed to manipulate this whole case to his advantage and meanwhile secretly (so no defense possible) worked against me. Not to mention a mutual family who has all lied and cheated through reality manipulation and obstruction of justice since 1972. And my secret (!) kind of TBS via apparently my brother and the Omerta Organization that was supposed to keep me guileless and small. Still no written acknowledgment or apology! Omerta is still in full glory!

  • In short, I have made this my life’s work with at least ten thousand hours of work,
  • made very detailed reports to even a series of very educational Ebooks in both Dutch and English (cost 28,000 euros) that are my written legal statement!
  • Received heavy American investigation by the FBI / CIA which proved my statements and declared me not delusional, children not from me, but from 3 different rapists including Rieks Perdok from Roden.
  • Received the help of President Obama who, just before his departure in January 2017, filed a pardon my Hans Smedema Affair by DOJ/DOS as a complaint of the State of America against the State of the Netherlands with UNCAT or equivalent Proceedings with the Human Rights Council. I think unique!
  • I also received no less than 5 good(!) grounds for asylum, which had never happened before in the known history of America! Usually only 1, or exceptionally 2.
  • Also unique is that as her husband I was able to provide evidence of her dual personality, DID Dissociative Identity Disorder, or an easily summoned additional personality as a sex slave. My Ebooks describe that as a co-victim, which is again unique in the Netherlands.
  • I survived 5 assassination attempts in 1975, 2x 1981 (neighbor Cees van ‘t Hoog was murdered), May 10, 2010, Nightclub Pretty Woman Benidorm, Organized very professionally from the Netherlands in early 2016 with the help of drs. Janne Gereats in Altea, Costa Blanca.
  • could prove that even Spain is involved in the Dutch Omerta and cover-up conspiracy.
  • Jaap could unmask the Vaginajager (Duijs) from Drachten as my enemy and as a serial rapist French teacher who was allowed to rape all young girls after drugging them with free ketamine so that they could not file a report, but sometimes what was immediately dismissed via traitor Joris Demmink within Justice.
  • Received positive help from CTIVD who asked Cabinet Balkenende to stop this horrific cover-up and conspiracy!
  • Was offered 2 x 5 million via Minister Veerman (2003/4) to keep this matter secret!
  • Was now offered 3 x help to end this case within weeks via a request for clemency (mr. Arnoud Comans 2017, King Wa himself 2017, and brother Johan Smedema early 2015)! But without the crucial information why I (!) as a completely innocent victim should ask for forgiveness when it is precisely the Crown that is guilty of obstruction of justice? So the Omerta continues!

The Netherlands is a top-level constitutional state! Why then apply for asylum 3x?

Usually true, but not here! At the end of 1972, Queen Juliana was already cheated by rapist Joris Demmink (together with my corrupt brother Johan) within the Ministry of Justice and the Secret Service in order to ensure, via a special decree, that in our case an investigation would NEVER be allowed by the Ministry of Justice at her request. / our family ostensibly to avoid further trauma during trials against the rapists. That is completely beyond me! I wasn’t allowed to know anything! So my fight to find out the truth was a fight against the State of the Netherlands and specifically De Kroon, so the Royal House and Cabinet. Only another State like America can legally do that through UNCAT United Nations Convention Against Torture! My asylum application in 2009 was thoroughly investigated and I was fully vindicated, in January 2014 that case was reopened and on March 15, 2017 I was actually (!) offered asylum in the air above America, which in turn was cunningly and corruptly blocked by KLM Co-Pilot King WA. 

How do you know that Spain is cooperating with the Netherlands in this Omerta?

During my torture in Nightclub Pretty Woman in Benidorm, girls warned Policia Local, but they were NOT allowed to protect me from Madrid Justice and take me away from there, even though I was already drugged and therefore defenseless. However, a Police officer would be present during my Electroshock/brainwashing. I was never warned or officially interrogated afterward, so it was a secret Spanish action! I also received or will receive secretly (!) an antipsychotic hidden in baby aspirins 100 mg through a doctor, just like before in the Netherlands through the corrupt psychiatrist Frank van Es! After all, the Netherlands and Spain have a great interest in me to tone down in order to keep the Dutch Royal House (King WA and Joris Demmink himself) out of the negative publicity. See eg J’Accuse Corrupt Psychiatrist Drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG

You notice it when you are drugged daily for decades, don’t you?

Normally yes, but not here because Onno van der Hart and the rapists in Utrecht severely traumatized me while I was drugged with ketamine. That causes amnesia and you are seriously weakened, so hypnosis and torture are very effective. Pavlov’s reaction and brainwashing via Electro Shock. I repressed everything and was protected by no one. On the contrary, I was secretly (!) falsely accused of involvement by my girlfriend and the rapists. So my wife gave me daily light doses of ketamine, an anesthetic, for decades through my wife and became a half-stupid zombie, which explains my stupid career. And in 2004, on top of that, the antipsychotic Risperdal (based on statements made by my mentally ill wife herself, together with the retarded psychiatrist Frank van Es) was secretly hidden as baby aspirins and even hallucinating for a while until my wife probably stopped the ketamine in consultation with her boss and pimp Jaap Duijs. Or a lighter one in the morning and the other in the evening? Sometimes my wife stopped doing that when I had to apply for a job or something.

You can’t just be made infertile without noticing!

Normally not, but serial rapist Jan van Beek was a Veterinary Laboratory Technician or something, and made many animals sterile just as quickly. So again some anesthetic ketamine and even explaining to me what they (Jan and Joris) were going to do so that he could have a child from my girlfrieThishich exactly came out because no one was investigating this case properly! Joris directly arranged the Omerta Organization via Queen Juliana special decree or something. Everything secret. In 1975 the Omerta Organization already knew that I had been made sterile and that our daughter was NOT mine, but hid it from both of us(!) supposedly because it would be too heavy for my wife!She has the right not to know anything according to the retarded heavily involved Psychiatrist Prof. Robert van den Bosch UMCG! the idiot, because that made her/us both defenseless against the rapists who did know that through Joris Demmink within the Justice Department. See eg J’Accuse Prof. RJ (Robert) van den Bosch UMCG

5 murder attempts without the Netherlands investigating and no prosecution?

The first was on January 29, 1975, two weeks after the of birth our daughter of rapist Jan van Beek, the second and third were right after each other in 1981 when neighbor Cees van Hoog was murdered, fourth was May 20, 2010, in nightclub Pretty Woman Benidorm and more recently heavily professional early 2016 in Altea in which so-called Psychologist Drs. Janne Geraets was heavily involved. And Joris Demmink was able to manipulate everything beautifully and cunningly so that no investigations were allowed to supposedly prevent my girlfriend/wife from even more trauma during court cases! See Fifth Murder Attempt Altea 2016

mind control? Unique and very educational? Then why is everyone silent about this?

This whole thing is extremely unique! America found no less than 5 good grounds for asylum, which had never happened before in the entire known history of America!

My girlfriend with an easily summoned extra personality after being tortured for sexual acts by Joris and Jan with a worn out (no more points, so more wounds) electric baton for pigs is also unique in the Netherlands. Worldwide very few books about this phenomenon!

Mind Control or Mental hostage-taking via the daily drug ketamine along with torture has never been described as described here in my Ebooks and on this Blog! Very educational and can warn girls and their parents! But never happened due to the involvement of the Royal House and therefore State Secret! Very stupid.

Turning a serious rape case into a Royally protected rapist case with State Secret is also unique, I think?

Forbidding me and even the police (Joris Demmink via Justice and BIZA) to draw up a report with an official report is also unique?

Why are there no media publications about this case?

Why the media’s silence? Lawyers are refusing this case WITHOUT motivating it properly! Most likely because the Royal House has been involved for 3 generations and it has become a State Secret via rapist Joris Demmink and NO prosecution may be allowed and therefore no publicity. John van den Heuvel really wanted to publish, but Telegraaf refused. Most likely banned!

And of course much more as a result. Horrible that none of the journalists or media emails / calls me for much more information of course!

Was your wife part of the Omerta Organization before your marriage?

Yes, this is evident from the fact that already during our marriage someone objected to the marriage because crucial information was withheld from me! And two officials of the Justice Department secretly had to sign the marriage certificate afterward. My wife also went away for an afternoon after the wedding and I saw her walking with a pram at Restaurant e Vale Ouwe’ and I was NOT allowed to come along. She just wanted a girlfriend. So she cheated on me horribly before and after our marriage. And when I finally found out in March 2000, she secretly worked against me in everything by destroying evidence at the behest of her 1972 rapist Jaap Duijs. At first, I didn’t realize that because I was given the light dose of anesthetic ketamine hidden as vitamin pills that Jaap gave her for free. So I couldn’t use my right mind, not for decades. And he got it again for free via Sylvia te Wierik Police Drachten on behalf of Joris Demmink at Justice! Sly, sly, sly. So my wife and Jaap are horrific monsters.

Rapist Joris Demmink from 1972 even became Secretary General Justice in 2002?

As early as 1972 he was the boyfriend of landlord Jan van Beek and had sex with my ketamine-drugged girlfriend for money. Joris bought the worn-out electric baton for pigs so that no wounds were visible when they tortured her into performing sexual acts that she normally did not want to do. It was he who also involved Queen Juliana so that he himself would become immune through State Secrets and State Security! And many more for decades!

Do you think you’ve been secretly placed at the disposal of the government? Type or TBS?

Yes, the grotesque Omerta Organization that rapist Joris Demmink has founded within the Justice Department through Queen Juliana and with my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep as the leader or Godfather of the Omerta Family, could only be done if he could decide about my life! In 1972 someone from the Ministry of Justice came who wanted to appoint my brother Johan as a decision-maker over me in the event that I could no longer decide for myself, such as in a coma! I didn’t know at the time that I had repressed a lot of business as a result of being severely assaulted in Utrecht at my girlfriend’s house in 1972. So thought that could never apply to me! And signed thinking it was for my imposed 400,000 guilders life insurance! Joris had recommended so that when I died (planned murder Motel Bunnik via heart attack on Jan 29, 1975) my wife would receive a lot of money and could raise Jan van Beek’s child so beautifully! After all, I had already been made sterile by Jan and Joris, so the child of Jan van Beek was as planned by him in 1972.

Why didn’t you defend yourself better?

Because I was mentally broken!

  • Via Hypnosis by Roben in 1971
  • by my parents’ decision from 1971 until their deaths
  • from severe trauma and mind control with ketamine during her torture in 1972
  • by electroshock (brain mutilation) during forced sleep cure secretly on behalf of parents
  • every 5 or 6 years secret electroshock again after my wife drugged me!
  • Through mind control by her sister Klazien, and since 1977 through Joris planned guard teacher French rapist Jaap de Vaginajager. Who de facto got a free Villa!
  • through the covert TBS that covertly took away my civil rights.
  • Destruction or manipulation of evidence by law enforcement since 1972
  • and much more

Justice really doesn’t give free Villa to a rapist French teacher!

No, normally not, but here Joris Demmink quickly needed someone to warn him if I would finally find out the truth and his wonderful position could be endangered. So he arranged 100,000 guilders for free and a monthly allowance for the mortgage through my corrupt me-hating brother Johan Smedema from Gennep. Or Justice paid it, or most likely Interpolis health insurance that covered my girlfriend. After all, a few million extra makes no difference to those billions! My brother Johan was involved because when we changed an earlier choice for the ground to a different piece, he immediately (!) came by to check whether that was really final! And so Jaap the Vagina Hunter could control me/us all our lives since 1977 and my wife was his sex slave without me knowing! Jaap’s assignment was to work against me in everything so that I could not become a threat to Joris Demmink. Jaap abused many underage girls, but all police cases against him were dismissed just as quickly by Joris Demmink! That’s what vice detective Haye Bruinsma told me in April 2004 during my unsuccessful attempt to press charges! I was kept dogged and ignorant. Also via the 5 to 6-year conditioning by again Prof. dr. Onno van der Hart. See J’Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten!

Why don’t you just leave it?

Because this is completely unique and thousands of other girls like my girlfriend at the time can be warned! And especially their poor unsuspecting parents who suddenly see their daughter turn into a slut or even a whore after a night out, without being able to do anything about it. Because of the retarded attitude of Justice and Police. Torturing a girl into a sex slave after heavy drugging with, among other things, a light dose of Ketamine is unknown in the Netherlands and will remain so until a journalist stands up and checks this story, and then publishes it. And I have used up our entire pension pot of 300,000 euros to fight against my own country when they could have simply informed me! Everything is already known to the Ministry of Justice unless Joris Demmink has erased or manipulated that too. But CTIVD was aware in 2007/8, so there must be plenty of documents. I am now living in forced exile in Spain with virtually no money and looking for legal help in vain! Why is that necessary? Horrible to do that to someone. What has been done to me and my defenseless girlfriend and wife must be told.

Who creates and pays for this Blog?

This entire Blog was created and written by myself, Hans Smedema! I am therefore responsible for all texts. This Blog is on a Server in America and is made entirely by myself, constantly improving, and all costs are paid by myself. Also, my Ebooks with the wholly unique story are completely written by myself and therefore authentic. The English translation of parts 1, 2, and 3 was translated into American English by a Canadian translator for 28,000 euros. Part 4 has been translated by myself and Google translations. The authenticity was checked by the FBI in 2009 by the order of asylum judge Rex J. Ford and everything (!) turned out to be authentically written!!!

Much more later…

ing. Hans Smedema, was cast out in exile (surviving) in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain.


Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema

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